Always there chapter 49

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Always there
Chapter 49

1st April

Shelby POV

I have no idea what is happening, Sean and Lauren haven't said anything about what they are doing. I can't believe we are doing it today, Norman said to do it just because we got married doesn't mean we can't have our parties we want to celebrate with our friends our last day of 'freedom'.

"Nothing too over the top Shelby jeans and a shirt is sufficient."

"Norman what have you heard is happening?"

"I've heard nothing, oh I might have heard some rumbling of what they have planned. I've never been to a combined bachelor/bachelorette party before" I decide on jeans and a green shirt.

A while later...

"Okay, Mrs. Reedus this is for you." Lauren hands me a shirt that says property of Norman Reedus if lost you better return or you'll have Daryl Dixon to deal with." I put it on and walk outside and I see Norman's wearing a similar shirt that says property of Shelby Reedus if lost you better return or you'll have Black Widow to deal with.

"Damn straight they will, so guys what's the plan of attack for this thing?"

"Oh, we thought of a few games today, after our first part is done the loser will have to buy the winner a drink." Oh fuck I'm not drinking.

"Sorry, Lauren I can't do that I can't drink. I might be pregnant so don't want to risk it."

"You might be pregnant oh that's so cool."

"Okay, there's no prize for the winner. Let's just go have fun."

"Well I won't be able to play I could hurt maybe baby."

"Oh damn, I wish you had said something we would've planned something softer."

"No, I can watch you girls have fun beating the boys."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, better safe than sorry babe. Norman would have kittens if he saw me play."

"Did I hear my name?"

"Yeah, I said that I can't play paintball might hurt maybe baby."

"Yeah I don't think that's safe babe, but good to know that you are being safe."

"Yes, daddy."

"Good baby."

We all pile into the cars when we get there everyone is there we've booked the park out so no one else can bother us. I think the girls might have their work cut out for them though the owners have given me an option they have a tower that can be used as a sniper tower and I can shoot from there. We are all connected with microphones and headphones so we can trash talk the other team members. So I decide to do that because it will be fun and also good training for The Walking Dead. We had Melissa, both Lauren's, Danai, Alannah, Christian, Maryanne, sonequa, Tovah, Alexandra, and Cassandra. On the boys' side, they had both Scott's, Greg, Andrew, Edward, Mingus, Steven's, both Sean's, both Michael's, Ross, Jordan, Josh, Chandler, and Devin. To make it fair as there were more boys than girls so we girls got Edward, Josh, and Rooker.

Everyone got a blue or pink bandana and I took my spot in the tower I can see everyone talking below me I have Norman in my sights I decide to say fuck it and I shoot him.

Norman POV

Well, Shelby is safe and sound in her tower she's like a princess.

"Okay everyone at the count of ten then it's on like donkey kong. Ouch! Oh, my ass. Shelby!"

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