Always there chapter 128

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Always there

Chapter 128

Norman POV

I woke up wrapped in the love of my life's arms. I kiss her head and she stirs. I look over and there are two Emmy awards on the table I'm very proud of that, in fact, the fact we won all the awards we were nominated it was an awesome night. I reach for my phone I find Sean's number and call him.


"Hey, brother. Congrats to you both."

"So how're things?"

"Ah, we need to talk I'm back in LA I just arrived and I caught the red eye. What hotel are you at?"

"Chateau Marmont."

"Okay, I'll be over there in about twenty minutes."

"Okay, room 1210 okay."

"Alright see you two soon." Sean hangs up on me that's not weird at all. "Baby wake up." I kiss Shelby's shoulder.

"Hmmm, you in the mood are you?"

"Yeah but no, we need to get up Flanery will be here soon."

"He's in LA?"

"He wants to talk."

"Okay, clothes where are you? Maybe I should give him a treat and stay naked."

"Hell fucking no you are my wife, and I'm not sharing you with anyone."

There was a knock on the door I hoped it was Sean.

"Hold your horses, Flanery." I open the door and he walks in before I say hello.

"We need to talk."

"Hey, babe. What's up Flanery? You okay?" They hug I can tell something has happened.

"Guys you better sit down." We sit down Sean is pacing.

"So how'd bitchface like the way you treated her?"

"Ah she was fine, I'll give her credit you didn't break her Shelby. She was still fighting me when I called you. Well, I was doing her dose to put her to sleep when I called you and something happened I must have put a double dose in it well I throw her in the trunk and put it in the car, drove to the motel when I opened it she was dead."

"What she's dead?" I get up and start pacing.

"Yeah, she wasn't breathing."

"Did you try reviving her?"

"Fuck no."

"Why not? You let her die."

"Anyone would think you cared Norman?" What am I hearing these two they don't care that she's dead.

"Well, I didn't want her dead. I went out with her for three years of course I care."

"Well, unfortunately, she is."

"Will they be able to figure out who did it?"

"I hope not. I didn't touch her without gloves there were no bodily fluids I wiped the room down and took the toy out of her. There should be nothing that implicates us."

"This is so wrong." I sit down my hands are in my head

"Norman I'm only going to say this once, you need to man up."

"So I'm not supposed to feel anything for a woman that I was with for three years is dead."

"Yeah basically. She brought this on herself, she made these choices and you know I'd do it again."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now