Always there chapter 159

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Always there

Chapter 159

Seven weeks later... End of November

Flannery POV

It's kind of weird seeing Norman carrying a child that looks like me but is a girl. Elvie looks a lot like me, my eyes, my nose, and my hair while Marcus looks like both of us. We've been keeping an eye on Jessie making sure she's not stressed with recovering from having the twins and looking after her kids.

The news of the babies came out and who the mother was that she was having my babies which yeah I guess she was but they aren't mine even with how they look, Shelby and Norman wanted another baby I helped them by giving them juice to make one, but they got two I'm just extra generous. It's Saturday so Sean should be here soon to pick up the kids according to Shelby it's a pleasure to see him. Today is no different. Knock knock...

"Hello, Sean."

"Always knew you wanted to fuck my wife."

"Clark you weren't concerned about your wife because you were cheating on her. What she does is none of your business."

"Pretty damn obvious what's happening you're in her house. My kids shouldn't be subjected to whatever guy she decides to bring over on any given day."

"No Clark you only have them witness their dad having sex with someone other than their mother, lucky they were too young to remember."

"Sure you're being a friend Sean. Believe that when I see it. I wonder how long it will take to get her in bed or have you already and couldn't wait the six weeks."

"Only if you have a dirty mind and have forgotten what being a friend means. I'm being a friend Clark remember what that was? It means you stand by someone when they need help."

"Well, she will go do stupid things like having kids for that woman."

"Why exactly do you hate Shelby so much? She's one of the nicest people in the world."

"Yeah she's so nice she sleeps with her best friend's husband. That's right you remember that don't you or did you conveniently forget about it or that she cheated on her first husband with Norman numerous times."

"You do remember that the bastard was raping her? You are a piece of work. Or was it that you tried to sleep with her and she turned you down?"

"Like I'd want her. Don't know what I'd catch from sleeping with her."

"Unless you want another chipped cheekbone I'd choose your next words carefully. You need to change Clark. I don't know what has happened but that other woman has screwed with your head. You used to be a good person, but not anymore I don't recognize you."

"Jackie is a good person though none of you would know that, seeming I've been thrown to the side. I fuck up and I'm just tossed to the side. My two best friends just up and left me."

"Do you have any idea what you did? How much you hurt Jessie, she wouldn't hurt a fly, I know I'm not a Saint oh I'm funny, but I'm not the devil either. I never let my wife catch me in bed with another woman. That was a really stupid thing to do. We left you because you've been horrible, you've said horrible things about Shelby and us. Heaven only knows how you've been treating Jessie. I'm gonna suggest you don't come here to pick them up, it's not healthy and she's way more important than you."

"Well yeah I fucked up with Jessie, Jackie made everything sound right like what we were doing wouldn't hurt anyone as no one would know I swear I was going to break it off with her then things went to hell when that bitch told Jessie what happened and I wasn't given a choice everything would've been okay if that bitch had of shutting her mouth on things that didn't concern her. She screwed over my family, yeah I know I'll never get her back."

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