Always there chapter 47

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Always there
Chapter 47

Mid-February 2015

Shelby POV

"Are you sure you have to go?"

"Are you sure you can't go? Please Norman come with me."

"I don't want you leaving Emmy. That's all you do."

"I don't want Emmy brought up by nannies, if she goes with me that's what she gets. Strange women touching her." I'm checking out my clothes.

"What if you're pregnant, I don't want you to do this Shelby."

"This isn't for discussion, I don't care about anything else I would think about it but this is a no-discussion area Norman I'm not backing out, oh you can ask but you won't like me telling you to fuck off."

"Why are you making this a fight? I swear all you've been doing lately is fight with me."

"Could be because you are trying to change things on me."

"How are you going to cope with two kids? You can't deal with Emmy, how do you think you'll cope with two or more babe?"

"Norman I mean it don't ask me to walk away from the Cellar, I won't I'd rather not have a fight with you over this. I'm doing long days. It's not fair to Emmy but if you want me to take her I will, what exactly will you be doing if I did take her?"

"Photo shoots and shit. I got things to do too you know."

"Fine, I'll take her. But I don't know what I'm going to do with Emmy some strange woman will be raising her I hope you are happy." I went and grabbed a bag and started packing Emmy's things.

"Babe I don't wanna fight."

"Well, it sure seems like you fucking do."

"Babe don't be like that."

"Don't be like what Norman? I don't want a nanny raising my kid. I want to but I have to work."

"You don't have to work."

"How would you feel Norman if I told you that you couldn't do your dream role? A fantasy project. It's okay Emmy and I will have a good time won't we baby girl?"

"Will you call me when you get to the location?"

"Maybe I will maybe I won't but it won't be today, I'm annoyed Norman you know how much this means to me. But it seems like you don't care."

"I do baby, I'm just worried you don't care about Emerson, it's like you had her and you haven't stopped you did Avengers while you were pregnant, and then you lost one doing Jurassic World and now you'd rather leave Emmy with me than be around her."

"No it's not that Norman, I don't want to be one of those moms that don't look after their kids, that palms them off to nannies, but you are making me do this. You are making me like this. Making me do something I don't want to do, I thought the whole point of you doing The Walking Dead and being on its break was so I could work and you could look after Emmy. But don't worry about us girls we will be fine. Okay, I got everything. The car will be here soon."

"Please babe don't leave angry. I don't like fighting."

"Oh, this isn't a fight Norman. Believe it or not, I can fight if I have to. But it's okay we will be fine."

"Dada dada."

"Daddy loves you, Emmy. Daddy loves mommy too." He goes to kiss me I give him my cheek, and he took my face in his hands and moved me until he kissed my lips. "Please baby don't leave like this. Don't leave me like this. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry for upsetting you. Please don't go angry."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now