Always there chapter 154

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Always there

Chapter 154

Shelby POV

I'm going to get Norman that's if he can come home, Sean and I remade the bed in case Norman wants to be in here instead of the spare room.

"How are you doing Shelby? He will be home soon."

"I know I want this room to be somewhere special that he will want to be."

"Babe he loves being here. You can relax babe. Need me to relax you." As he comes up to me and hugs me.

"No. No more Shelby for you."

"I know babe. Just thought I'd try my luck."

I organized everything that Norman loves in the main room, his favorite movies, and books, hopefully, this will make him happy.

"Sean if this was your room would you be happy to be here?"

"If you were here with me then yeah I'd be happy to be here with you."

"Does it smell like sex? I shouldn't have had sex with you in here. Oh god, I'm horrible."

"Hey you aren't and you aren't cheating on Norman he understands Shelby. I'm sure he knows we are sleeping together. If you open the windows it will be fine."

"I know that but it doesn't make it right."

"Shel you've done nothing wrong. You shouldn't feel guilty."

"I do though."

"But why? You have no reason to feel bad. Did you feel bad when we slept together?"

"No I didn't I don't sleep enough with just you Sean, it's been nice it's like when I sleep with Norman by himself. I just feel bad for wanting that. When my feelings aren't important."

"Your feelings are important. But I'm here for you when you need me, Shel." He walks back over to me and wraps me in his arms and he kisses me. "Everything will work out babe. You've done nothing wrong."

"Then why do I feel bad?"

"Because you're human Shelby and you have a heart."

"I hope he can come home today. I want him home."

"He will be home and you guys can be a family again."

"We already are a family he's just away at the moment and I want him home."

"He will be home he will be right here in this bed babe. Let's go get him, let's bring your man home."

I look around one last time I think this will be suitable for Norman. I hope he is okay here. We drove to the hospital and made it to his room, I'm shocked by what I see.

"Oh, my god baby. What have you done?" Norman has shaved his head. I know he was going to but I'm still shocked.

"What you don't like it? Greg said I needed to do this. It'll grow back."

"I knew you were going to do it but I didn't think it was quite so quickly."

"Well, bro I think you have a good head. Now it is a big bald head."

"You had to go there didn't you."

"How are you feeling babe? You look good."

"Well can't wait to go home I miss our bed and the kids."

"Well, I miss you too babe. Can I touch it?"

"Hey, not in front of Flanery. Oh my head, yeah touch it all you want." I come and sit on his bed. I lightly touch it feels so weird but I like it. I move closer and kiss him. "You missed me have you?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now