Always there chapter 71

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Always there

Chapter 71

Shelby POV

I woke to the feeling of being eaten goddammit that man can eat a pussy like it's the last meal he will ever get.

"Hmm, baby enjoying yourself there?"

"Yep, you looked so fucking yummy babe I couldn't resist eating you. Fuck girl I could just spend all day in bed with you."

"I know, me too."

"I love you, Shelby."

"I love you too Norman. Can't believe we still want each other."

"Honey we've only been married a year."

"Oh no I meant I've wanted you for sixteen years, I still do since the night you kissed me." I pull him up to me. So he's laying between my legs.

"Yes, you naughty girl."

"I was a good girl, I was until I meet some sexy as fuck thirty-year-old. How the fuck was I supposed to resist you."

"I know I had to resist you too."

"I know this is real I know we are together but I swear Norman it feels like a dream, like one day I'm going to wake up and you won't be here I'll be back at my old life and I've lived this life to save myself."

"It's real baby."

"I know babe. I'm scared I'll scare you off one of these days."

"Never babe. I love you. I've loved you since I met you I wanted you."

"Well happy anniversary Norman seeming it's today." I kiss him.

"Yes, babe happy anniversary to you too." He kisses me back.

"I have something for you. It's only small I'm sorry I'm not very good at giving gifts."

"You are great. What did you get me? You didn't have to." I roll off the bed fuck me we fucked this bed up there's cum all over it.

"I wanted to. There's a difference. I saw this and I liked it. No giving it away mister you got that?"

"Oh hell no babe of course." I go to my bag and pull out a small box.

"Happy anniversary Norman. I love you, baby." I hand him the box.

"Oh, you didn't have to. I love you too." He opens the box and looks at what I got him, it's a leather and silver bracelet. "Oh, this is cool babe. I love it." It's got last year's date on it. "Like I'll forget babe the best day ever."

"Me neither. But mister as much as I'd like to spend the day in bed I want to go to Disney World that's why we came here. So baby come on have a shower with me." I reach over and drag him out of bed.

We get our park passes and have breakfast and head toward Hollywood Studios and walk to the Tower of Terror. I was shaking scary rides aren't my thing I do them but they aren't my idea of fun.

"Babe if you don't want to do this we don't have to do this." He hugs me from behind.

"Oh, I'll be fine once I get on."

"But you'll be better when you get off?" He kisses my neck.

"Yes, I would maybe we could..."

"Excuse me you're Norman Reedus right? Can I have a picture?"

"Up to you babe? I know when I'm not wanted."

"Sure come on. No autos though okay." She hands me her camera and wraps an arm around Norman. They pose I take the photos and I hand back the camera they hug as they do she cops a feel of his ass.

"Excuse woman, how would you like it if I grabbed your boob? I'd appreciate it if you took your hand off my husband's ass."

"Honey it's okay, I'm used to it."

"Well, you should not have to be. That is assault. If any normal man touched your ass you'd be screaming rape. I'd slap someone if they touched me without permission." The woman is shocked that I spoke to her like that.

"And so you should."

"Why is it okay for someone to touch you?"

"Excuse me Norman."

"No you can't we are on a holiday. Leave us alone."

"Honey don't be like that. Sure make it quick."

"Well I'm not taking it, I'm not your fans photographer."

"Babe don't be like that." I've upset him, he hates me whenever I upset the 'fans' I don't care. The girls took their pictures and they walked away I could hear calling me a fucking bitch.

"Yeah, nice mouths on you 'ladies' and use the term loosely."

"Babe you are letting them spoil our time."

"No, you are letting them spoil our time."

"How am I doing that?"

"Oh, I don't know letting your fans get close. I don't give a fuck about them. Unless I'm at a convention they can fuck off."

"Babe don't be like that."

"Norman I don't like people in general."

"What you mean babe?"

"I don't fucking like crowds babe. I like my privacy, I'm not you I can't have people touch me. I mean even friends and family I can't stand them touching me, but I can stand you."

"Okay, I won't let them. I'll protect you, babe." He comes up to me and hugs me again.

"I'm sorry I'm a bitch. There are parts I like about this famous business Norman, of course, the freedom that I get but I don't like people coming up to me, I'm not you Norman."

"You aren't a bitch. You ready to go or let someone pass us?"

"Yeah let someone on. Can you hold me, baby?" He hugs me we let a few people on before us. We finally go we both scream up a storm, then there were more screams on the Rock and Roll Coaster, then Norman dragged me over to the Magic Kingdom he asked for a guide to help that is how we got to ride the Big Thunder Mountain ride, played on the Buzz Lightyear game, visited The Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. By the end of the night I was exhausted, we eventually found our car and drove back to the hotel, I was going to crash but was dragged into the shower by a horny husband I was I needed to get clean in case he woke up feeling hungry and he wanted to eat something. We finally fell onto the bed and I hugged my sexy husband.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now