Always there chapter 53

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Always there
Chapter 53

Two weeks later...

Norman POV

Man two weeks went way too quickly, it was probably the best holiday I've ever had without Mingus not that I haven't missed him or Emerson. Shelby and I have had a lot of sexy times. We toured the island not that there's a lot to see, we had massages, swam a lot no wonder Emmy's a water baby Shelby now loves the water, ate so much I think I gained like five pounds not so good if you are in an apocalypse, Shelby looks so good though she's thrown up a few times she looks good we are hoping it settles down when we get back to Georgia as we are staying there, there's no reason to be going back to New York seeming they start filming in a week. Today is our last day I watch Shel packing everything away, I think next time for our anniversary we might do something nice like Paris or maybe even Australia maybe make it a family trip Mingus has never been there I haven't in years.

"Need any help baby?"

"Nah I'm good babe nearly done. It's not hard to pack a bunch of bikinis I don't think I've ever worn so many pairs part of me wishes that I wasn't pregnant all those pictures you took I look like a whale."

"Baby no you don't babe. You look beautiful it's a beautiful thing you are doing. I find you a very sexy yummy mummy."

"You know there is something wrong with you. Men aren't supposed to find a big fat belly sexy."

"Well, I do I think you look amazing babe." I love how her belly is it feels so good in my hands, and to know our child grows inside you. "This is the ultimate sign of our love. You look so good."

"You think so? Yeah, I guess I don't look bad. You do make sexy baby bumps."

"Yes, I do. Are we ready baby?"

"Do we have to go? I want to be just us but I miss Emmy so much."

"Yeah me too, I miss her as well, but I've loved this holiday. Need to do this again when we can do so."

We organized for the water taxi to pick us up and we checked out and left our island paradise. We got our shoes back I could tell Shelby was happy about that.

"Hello, shoes I missed you." As she put them back on.

"You are a strange woman you know that?"

"Yep. But you like me right."

"Yeah, I like you this much." Moving my fingers about an inch apart.

"Oh, you are in so much trouble when we get on that plane."

"Am I now? I think you are in trouble." I hugged her as we got closer to the airport. At least she hasn't thrown up so far today. We reached the airport and stepped off the pier and were led to the private jet.

"Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Reedus. You two look like you've been relaxing."

"Yes, Mackenzie it was wonderful."

"You feeling better ma'am?"

"Yeah, I hope the flying doesn't set me off again."

"Well welcome aboard. Please make yourself comfortable."

We climb aboard and settle in the lounge suite they have here. We take off and are heading back to our family. When the seatbelt sign went off I take Shelby to the bedroom.

"I want you so bad baby."

"Yes, baby." I undo the buttons on her shirt, when I've removed it I gently push her onto the bed, she takes her bra off and starts to take her pants off but I stop her and take them off her.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now