Always there Chapter 55

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Always there
Chapter 55

Two weeks later... May 14
Twenty weeks

Shelby POV

I woke up a little excited about seeing our baby today, Norman doesn't have to work today so he's coming with me. I look over at him and he's asleep I love watching Norman sleep it's very peaceful.

"Kit kit kit." I wonder which one she's talking about probably Eye, Mac isn't big on Emerson I think she's not used to sharing, that's probably my fault as I haven't been paying her as much attention as I used to. I walk in and find Eye in bed with Emerson.

"Mom. Kit."

"Yeah, kitty is sleeping with you. He's a naughty kitty isn't he but mommy forgot to close your door."

I pat Eye and he purrs at me. I like to think he protects her you never know when an animal could get in. I bring her into the bedroom.

"Let's wake up daddy."

"Daddy's already awake. How're my favorite girls?"

"We're good Eye slept with Emmy last night."

"He's a good kitty. Protecta kitty."

"You want to start getting ready baby I got to drink a tonne of water."

We start to get ready and drive the OBGYN. We get called into the office.

"Shelby, how are you feeling?"

"Good no more morning sickness."

"Good your weight is good you've gained since the last time you were here two pounds. We will need to watch that cause one pound will become two and two will become four and so on and so on."

"Oh, I don't want to not watch my weight but need to keep an eye on this."

"I keep an eye on you, babe."

"That's good to hear. So let's take a look at your baby."

"Oh yeah, I got to pee real bad."

The three of us followed the doc into the room.

"Okay, ma'am you can get on the table. So little Miss are you excited about seeing your brother or sister?"


"Wow, that's a new one Norman."

"No no no no."

"I'm sure she doesn't mean that."

"Nah it's just a new word. Who's our clever girl?"

"No no." We laugh at her as Norman helps me up onto the table. I pull my shirt up and pants down to show off my belly.

"Now there's that cute belly I love." Not now Norman.

"Sorry about how cold that is. So you are twenty weeks right?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be."

"Well let's find your baby. Where are you? Oh, there you are. It's a big baby. You're looking after it well. So are we finding out what you are having?"

"Yeah, we want it confirmed."

"Okay, now baby let's cooperate. Well, congrats parents you are having a son."

"Oh, we are having a boy. Hello Mackenzie."

"No no no no. Mom mom." I look at Emmy she's clapping so I know she's not upset she doesn't know what no means.

"Oh, baby we are having a son. I'm so happy baby."

"Yeah me too."

"You are still due on the 29th of September but seeming Emerson was early this one will probably be early as well."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz