Always there chapter 56

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Always there
Chapter 56

5 June
23 weeks

Shelby POV

"Baby are you sure you two can't come with me?"

"Yeah Emmy and I are going to have a good time. We have lots to do don't we Emmy? Yep, we do."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I thought we might go see nanny and pop, maybe go shopping."

"So you'd rather do that than come with your husband?"

"I would if I could but I can't."

"You can't? Why not?"

"I'm busy, I'm sorry but I have plans and I can't change them I wish I could but I can't."

"So what are you doing? If it was just visiting your parents and shopping you can do it anytime."

"Okay, I have to film some scenes for my new project happy now I didn't want to tell you. How do you do that, make me say stuff I'm not supposed to say."

"Why aren't you supposed to say that to me?"

"Because you will just worry about me and I don't need you worrying about me I'm okay babe."

"Of course, I'm going to you are, my wife. I just want you and Mac to be safe."

"I will they are easy scenes I can do with my eyes shut we are just taking advantage of the fact I'm available and no one else will be there the producers want to keep this top secret."

"Babe, are you joining The Walking Dead?"

"Now why would you think a stupid thing like that? If I was wouldn't I tell you right away?"

"Yeah, Greg or Gale would've said that as soon as you were cast. But they haven't so you aren't."

"Honestly babe I wanted to say something but I can't I also can't go with you to Sacramento as I'm working that one too."

God, I hate this lying to my husband who I'm supposed to love. He's going to hate me when he finds out, and I deserve it because I'm a lying bitch.

"Okay, babe be safe."

"I promise I will everything is talking and walking if I can't do that then I'm fucked in real life honey."

"Okay but missy, you owe me a trip to Las Vegas then seeming you can't come this weekend I want to relive our wedding night."

"Honey that's almost physically impossible now I'm so big, I'd say let's go on our anniversary then it is like a redo of our night get mom and dad to look after the kids or bring them with us and have them stay at the same hotel."

"That sounds pretty good babe. Babe, you are not big, the doc said you are doing good."

"Now babe I want you to have a good time but not too good time as I know that Flanery can get you into trouble. I love you so much Norman I know I don't need to say to keep it in your pants, but I know you will."

"Now why would I look at another woman? When I have your sexy as fuck ass to come home to? If you are outside babe make sure you keep your fluids up it's hot here and you aren't used to it."

"Yes, doctor Reedus. I think I need my temperature taken?"

"So how do I take orally or anally?"

"However you want babe." As I take Emmy back to her room and come out.

"Oh you are in trouble but we have to be quick babe I got to be out of here in a couple of hours."

"Well come on baby. I have the sorest throat I think I need something. Doc you have anything that might help?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now