Always there chapter 108

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Always there

Chapter 108

Norman POV

"I'm sorry there is something wrong with Phoenix."

"Oh god, Norman."

"She has a hairline fracture on her skull which has caused pressure to build on her skull, was she dropped or hit."

"Oh god, I've hurt my baby."

"Did you drop her or hit her?"

"I don't know I didn't hit her I know that."

"My wife collapsed Phoenix fell out of her arms maybe that's where it happened."

"Okay, that's fine. We need to operate to relieve the pressure and we need to do it now."

"Oh god. Oh god."

"We are prepping her now we wanted you two to know what was happening." With that, the doctor left.

"It's all my fault. All my fault. Everything is my fault. Oh god, I've hurt my baby."

"Shelby honey calm down."

"It's my fault if I hadn't let Nathan into my life he wouldn't have taken her or if I'd gone to the hospital as soon as the contractions started she mightn't have been in NICU at all."

"Nurse I need 20mg of Diazepam immediately. Ma'am, you need to calm down. Don't make me give you this ma'am you need to calm down."

"Don't you dare tell me to be fucking calm? Don't you tell me it's not my fault Norman I dropped my daughter? I caused her to be taken if I hadn't let Jones come near me he wouldn't have taken her. I was lonely, you weren't there, he was being nice, I needed someone it's all my fault. Oh god, I caused all this it's my fault. It's my punishment for being a horrible person. I'm a horrible person. I cheated on you or I might as well have. I caused that girl to kill herself. If I hadn't gotten involved with Jones she wouldn't have done what she did and she wouldn't have killed herself. I am nothing but bad luck Norman please go now before something else happens."

"Hey, babe. Give me a chance doc at calming her if not then do it. Baby listen to me please. Come on listen to me. Come on I need you. Relax baby. I don't blame you. Phoenix doesn't blame you it was an accident. You didn't mean to drop her. You couldn't help it. I wasn't watching what was happening I should've been but I wasn't. As for that woman she made her choices..."

"But it was because..."

"Hey, will you shut the fuck up for once in your life? I'm talking here. Yeah you encouraged the him you shouldn't have but you did, I get it I don't blame you, Shelby, I never did he shouldn't have done what he did. He knew better."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop saying that about everything I'm tired of hearing you say I'm sorry. I'm talking here so stop interrupting me. You flirted babe, if I went off at you every time you did that we wouldn't be married. These people made their choices, you reacted to what they did. Not your fault. As for the babies being born hell the same thing could've happened if you'd been here all day babe. You didn't do anything wrong sometimes shit just happens. Come on stop those crazy eyes Shelby come on step back from the edge. You can do this."

"I can't."

"Snap out of it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Do you want me to walk out the door and take the kids? Do you?"

"No, I don't."

"Then pull yourself together. You're stronger than this. You are a strong woman babe. Not this woman in front of me. You aren't who I married I want the woman I married and I want her back right now. Goddammit."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now