Always there chapter 125

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Always there

Chapter 125

One week later...

Breaking news out of Hollywood.

Oscar-winning actress and walking dead star Shelby Reedus is embroiled in yet another sex scandal. This time it is a website showing her having sex with multiple partners. For obvious reasons, we are unable to show any scenes. We have tried to reach Ms. Reedus's team for comment which is simply no comment. Also on the website, there are is also videos of Norman Reedus and his former girlfriend.

We will keep you posted on this breaking story as we have yet to hear from Shelby's employer AMC for their statement.

Norman POV

"Oh fuck me. That's not good." As I watch myself go down on Cecelia. I knew the cunt was a bitch but I didn't think she'd be this low. I clicked on another video and then there were moans and groans and the sounds of Shelby crying. I can't watch anymore, I close my laptop. I honestly don't know how to tell Shelby this, she's going to lose it. I make a couple of calls. I called Shelby's folks and Edward. I stepped out of our room and look into the lounge and see Shelby playing with the kids, I hope this doesn't break her. There's a knock on the door and she gets up to answer it.

"Hey mom, dad, Edward, Marcus why are you here?"

"Nice to see you too sis. Can we come in?"

"Nah you guys can stay on my doorstep." They walk inside and look at me I shake my head. "Norman am I missing something?"

"Shelby baby I don't think you want to leave the house today. You might want to sit down." She sits on the lounge.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Norman? Why are mom, dad, Edward, and Marcus here?"

"There's bad news babe."

"Oh god the cancer's come back, hasn't it? Oh no."

"No baby I wish it was, but it's real bad."

"You wish you had cancer? I don't understand."

"Norman you should just tell her."

"You had an affair fucker."

"No babe and when would I have time between you and the show I don't have time."

"Then what is it? Why the secrecy?"

"I don't know how to say this but you know the things you told me that Alex made you do?"

"Which ones there were so many."

"The group thing babe. Well, there's a website and they are on there. All these videos of you and multiple men Shelby."

"Oh god oh god. What do you mean there's a website?"

"It appears that they were taped. Alex must have been taping them."

"That fucking fucker. He's lucky he is dead."

"Baby I'm on it I have Flanery's guys trying to track down who made the site and to shut it down."

"So let me get this straight my ex-husband filmed me being attacked by multiple men and now someone has posted them online."

"Oh, it gets worse."

"How can it get worse?"

"They also have videos of me and my ex. We will get this shutdown honey Flanery's guys are on it."

"I'm sorry mom, dad. I don't know what to say."

"Why are you sorry babe? Did you film this?"


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