Always there chapterg 67

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Always there
Chapter 67

Early December

Norman POV

I think Shelby and I are happy I know I am, it's nice except for conventions I don't have to do anything so it's nice. This weekend we have Walker Stalker New Jersey, we are bringing all the kids with us and made it a family trip only mom and dad have to work, the kids Mingus included love Debi, she is good and don't mind the traveling, and Shelby and her get along brilliantly.

"Come on babe. Come on get up you know what your doctor said if you sleep too much it makes you sick that's why you were sick, let's play with the kids and we have houses to look at."

"Hmmm, you sure we can't go another round?" She's trying to get me back in bed I'm loving how horny she is, it's all the time at the moment.

"As much as I would love to, you missy have had enough cum in you to sink a battleship. Lucky you are on the pill babe you'd be so pregnant again. Not that that is a bad thing if you want another baby."

"Babies babe remember what I told you she said, she's been right about everything else, so I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with five kids."

"Damn girl, you are quite the baby maker aren't you?"

"You okay with that?"

"Yep Absofuckinglutely. Come on out of bed. Lots to do we have three homes to see. Come on." We showered together, got dressed, and checked on the kids Debi had them ready to go.

"Debi hon? Did you want to come with us?"


"Debi up Debi up." As Emmy is jumping up and down trying to get her attention.

"Okay, princess. What's so special about up princess huh? Mackenzie is fed he's just sitting in his rocker we are ready whenever you are."

"Norman baby you ready?"

"Yeah, I am. Let's find ourselves a house."

We are following the agent around the apartment. Shelby isn't doing the right thing while we are looking she's impressed.

"There are unobstructed views from here, it's west over Central Park and North to the George Washington bridge, it has interconnecting living and dining room with connected library. This is the master bedroom it has separate his and hers dressing rooms, a spa suite split bathroom, and a spa shower and has complete privacy. Please come this way this is the games and media room."

"Holy shit dad that's awesome. This is my room dad."

"Now son don't get too excited we have another home to see."

"Over there, is the mini kitchen so if you want a snack you don't have to walk back to the kitchen to get it, there is also a bedroom in here. If you go this way leads us to the custom-designed kitchen, the breakfast room here has S&E views and there are a further four bedrooms and three bathrooms. I'll let you have a look around and think about it." Shelby and I walk back to the main bedroom.

"So do you like this one? We know Mingus does but he's not making the decision we are. Do you love it?

"Yeah, I do. It's perfect honey, if we have more kids they will have their rooms, there is room for our folks and Debi, and the games and media room are awesome this room, honey could imagine waking up to this view every day we are here? Please tell them we will take it."

"So we are doing it huh? Awesome let's do it." Shel jumps into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist.

"You know that means we will have to decorate there's so much space here babe knock yourself out."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora