Always there chapter 149

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Always there

Chapter 149

Norman POV

"Hi, doc."

"Hello, Mr. Reedus. How are you Norman?"

"Amazing today, I'm gonna be a dad again so I'm great."

"Norman we need you to come in for some testing."

"Is there a problem?"

"Well you haven't been in for two months Norman you know you're supposed to be here every month until we tell you otherwise."

"Seriously I forgot? Damn, I'm sorry doc I'll be there tomorrow for testing."

"Norman you forgot? Oh, I'm going to kick your ass."

"I'll be there tomorrow doc."

"Yes make sure you do Norman." I hang up the phone the next thing I feel is Shelby hitting me. "Stop stop stop."

"How could you be so stupid Norman, I didn't know you weren't getting them done. Do you know how important those tests are? You could get sick Norman. You have kids fuck you, Reedus." Oh, she's pissed I know when she is she calls me Reedus she's pissed, she walks into the house and slams the door. I have been busy I just completely forgot.

The next day...

"Thank you for coming Norman we need to get back to doing this testing."

"Honestly forgot sir."

"You can't forget things like this."

"Yeah, my wife is angry with me."

"Come on let's get back on track." They do the blood testing and the doctor gives me an examination. "Norman have you had this lump here for a while?"

"What lump? Where?"

"On your side. Come on let's get it looked at." Oh god, what have I done?

"Norman we are just going to have a look to see if it's solid or fluid filled. We will also need to do urine testing."

"Oh god, what have I done?"

"Norman it might be nothing or it might be bad we won't know until the testing comes back okay? We will worry when all the results are back."

"I have a family doc."

"I know Norman. Let's find out how bad it is okay." He puts gel on my side and moves the probe over it. I'm so fucking nervous. "Okay Norman there's your left kidney there's the lump oh Norman it's a solid mass, like the lumps on your testes Norman if they are solid it is more than likely cancerous but we won't know until the blood and urine tests come back." I start crying not again. "Hey Norman it might be cancerous but this is or can be a good one, yes it will mean you will need more surgery but it might be okay."

"How am I going to tell my wife and kids they are older now."

"There are some good therapists that you can see that can help you and if the results come back in and it is cancer, you will have to have surgery to remove the cancerous portions or maybe the whole kidney we won't know until we open you up."

They took my urine, then I headed home.

"Porter stop pushing Mackenzie around. Sean, are you ever going to show my kids how to kick your kid's ass?"

"Now why would I do that? Why would I teach your kids to kick my kid's asses?"

"Oh hi, Norman. Baby you okay? Hope you don't mind Sean dropped over."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now