Always there chapter 83

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Always there

Chapter 83


Shelby POV

It's my last shooting day I'm officially twenty-four weeks, I've gained only five pounds mostly in my boobs not that Norman minds at all, he loves them, yeah I know I'm tiny but I'm healthy, it's a combination of healthy eating, heaps of exercise and extreme temperatures it's been 100 plus here.

This is a scene I've wanted to do for so long the first time we've ever done a love scene together. Little nervous but I know I don't have to we practiced it last night hell nearly every night we practice this. This is either going to make fans happy or piss them off big time. But this is what the producers want so they have the final say.

"Hey, beautiful sexy girl. You ready babe?"

"Yeah, I'm getting there." I take a quick picture of my belly I've been doing that every week I want to record every bit of this pregnancy as it is our last one.

"Woo hoo nice babe." He comes behind me and hugs me.

"Oh fuck me, babe. You're too fucking stealthy. Stay right there." I take another picture.

"Sorry, babe didn't mean to scare you. You need to get dressed babe."

"I just can't find anything to wear." I settle on jeans and a top.

"Come on babe we will be late."

We get in the jeep and head towards the set. Get made dirty and costumed they are shooting day for night so they can get a full day out of it. They lead us to a bunch of cars. There are four cars here and it's meant that everybody gets in one. Daryl who's taken Meagan under his wing not that she needs him to stay with her.

"Places everyone and Action!" Rick starts speaking.

"Okay Tara, Rosita, Abe, Carol you take that one."

"Man do I have to stay with the rabbits?" Rosita and Abe look at each other.

"Hey, I'm not a rabbit I'm bigger than that. More like a bear Carol."

"Yeah, you're my teddy bear daddy." Carol looks disgusted, Daryl's trying not to pay attention, and Meagan just giggles at it.

"Michonne, Maggie, Judith, and Carl you take that one."

"Aaron, Eric, Jessie, and the kids that one."

"Meagan, Daryl, and Aida that one. Glenn and I will do the first watch."

Everyone starts moving to their respective car. I start moving towards my car Daryl is still with Rick.

"Daryl, you want to stay with Meagan?"

"Yeah someone's gotta look after those two."

"Sure that's all it is."

"What's that mean Rick?"

"You like her Daryl. Believe me, in times like this you can't waste it, look what happened yesterday tell her how you feel if you like her."

"She doesn't like me."

"Don't be so sure on that. What's the worse that will happen? She says she doesn't and nothing happens but I can see how you two look at each other. Don't waste happiness Daryl it's too fleeting in days like now."

Daryl walks back toward the minivan I'm in, I'm in the back seat feeding Aida, and Daryl gets all shy with me like he doesn't know where to look.

"You can come in."

"Nah I'll wait till you're done."

"Daryl they're just boobs not even very good ones at that Daryl. So I don't mind you seeing them. If that's what you like don't know why you would they aren't anything special." He climbs in and closes the door. I finish feeding and burping Aida and place her on the front seat that I've set up as a bed for her.

"That's not true."

"Daryl? Do you like me right?"


"I'm going to say it. I love you, Daryl. I want you."

"You love me? You want me?"

"Yeah, I've been falling for you, Daryl. Yeah, I have since I met you. Do you have any idea how sexy you look? I'm sorry I'm not beautiful and I still look pregnant."

"I think you are beautiful. If this was normal times Meagan and you were my girl, you'd always be pregnant I thought you were so pretty."

"Thank you, Daryl. Why can't you see that in yourself, you are such a good man you've earned this." I touch his face.

"I'm nothing."

"Not to me you aren't, not to Aida. She loves you as her momma does. Please let me love you. We may only have this moment Daryl, I don't want to lose it. I lost Deanna I now realize how stupid it is to wait, I don't want to wait anymore. Please take me make me yours Daryl." I take my top off, actually never gotten undressed in a car before.

"Yes. Beautiful babe. Oh, I'll make you mine. No man will ever be able to get near you sweetheart." Daryl kisses Meagan and lays her down on the back seat of the car while Aida sleeps on the front seat. "We shouldn't we might wake her."

"If we are quiet we won't." There were more kisses and clumsy frantic making out. "Oh yes, Daryl oh babe."

"Yeah, that's it say my name." We know this has to be quick.

"Please Daryl I need him." He pretends to put him in me and I pretend to accept him but have to be surprised at how he feels. "Oh damn."

"Oh am I hurting you?" He looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"No baby I wanted to see him, I never even got to touch him."

"I promise Meagan this isn't a one-time thing baby." He kisses me.

"Hmmm oh god Daryl. I'm okay babe you can start moving."

"Tell me if I'm hurting ya."

Meanwhile outside...

"Rick quiet night."

"Well, it is except for the squirrels and bears in heat." As two cars are rocking slowly.

"Which ones? I bet Carol's having fun in that car. Maybe we should write on the cars if these cars are a rocking don't bother knocking."

"Nah let them be. We never say anything about you and Maggie."

"Well, it's about time those two did though maybe they can stop the puppy dog eyes."

"Like you don't with Maggie."

"True. Ah dammit, just once I'd like a moment without these things." As he walks over and stabs the walker in the head.

Meanwhile back in the car...

"Oh god, Daryl that was so good." We are breathing heavily and kissing.

"I'm sorry it was so short." I move the hair from his eyes.

"Hey, babe. When was the last time it was wet?" Daryl chuckles.

"It was wet? God, I can barely remember. Before, it all started."

"Hey you did a great job, you enjoyed it, I did what's the problem? I'm sure if we wait a bit he will be good to go again soon right."

"Damn straight woman. God woman I love you. You're mine now, no man is ever wanna get near you." He kisses me.

"I love you too. I don't want any other."

"Cut! Great job guys." When Greg says that Norman attacks my neck with kisses.

"Oh god yes."

"Hey, you guys that's enough."

"That was Shelby's last scene for the season."

"I'm going to miss you guys."

Everyone hugs me and I'm led off the set.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now