Always there chapter 43

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Always there
Chapter 43

November 2014

Shelby POV

I woke up to the feeling of Norman's lips on my breast.

"Hmmm, a girl could get used to that babe. I think I like your wake-up calls."

"I love waking you up like this, and you looked so delectable there all naked and open I thought about eating that well-used pussy of yours I still might. One of these days baby I will wake you to the feel of my tongue in that pussy of yours."

"Hmmm, that sounds like an awesome way to wake up."

"So is my girl in the mood? I bet if I touched you, you'd be soaking wet." He places his hand on my mound. "Yes, you are babe. So wet so ready for me. I love that about you baby. Always so very wet and ready. You want my cock again?"

"Nope, not in the mood. Don't want that Reedus cock I think I've had my fill. I don't think I want anymore Reedus cock."

"Oh really? So if I did this?" He shoves his fingers inside me and starts moving them inside me, I start moaning. "I'd get no response huh? You aren't moaning up a storm Miss Mackenzie? Why do you deny yourself when you know you want it so much?"

"Yes please fuck me, baby. I want him so bad."

"Nah I got to get up got to shoot today second last day today babe and then I'm yours no more filming until January." I push him off me and jump on top of him I straddle him and point his cock at me and lower myself on him. "Oh yes, babe. Oh no, babe don't I'm not wearing anything."

"Are you sure babe? I don't mind what's the chances of falling that fast I don't mind I'll get another dress if I have to. I want to have your baby I don't mind when it is."

"Okay, babe take it away baby ride my hard cock." I start riding him Norman's hands are cupping my breast rubbing my nipples and then moving down and holding and digging his fingers into my ass cheeks.

"Oh god Norman baby so good. I love you oh god that feels so good." Smack smack smack. "OH MY GOD! OH GOD NORMAN YES! FEELS SO GOOD." I felt myself flood when he smacked me.

"You liked that babe you just wet me baby your pussy just flooded me, baby. You ready for me to flood you keep riding him baby I'm not far off. Oh yeah, baby oh yeah oh yes Shel here it comes baby take it to take my cum baby. Oh god baby so fucking good." He pulls me towards him and kisses me. "I love you Shelby so fucking much."

"Love you too Norman very much." I watch Norman get out of bed fuck he is sexy. "Cute ass babe. You know you are aging like a fine wine you get better with age."

"So are you my queen? You doing anything today babe?"

"Nope, I'm just gonna stay home today babe, and chill. You don't mind unless there's something you need me to do. I'm kind of a homebody babe. I like being home."

"I love that you love staying home it's just nice not to have to go out all the time. You know how much I love you, Shelby?"

"Nope I don't think you like me at all I think you just like the sex maybe."

"Oh you are a sexy minx aren't you? I love you like space Shelby it's endless you mean everything to me you are the sun and the moon."

"Oh god Norman seriously I love you baby so much. You need to leave the house now because I just wanna keep fucking you baby."

Norman leaves eventually I don't want him to be I know he has to.

Hours later...

"Ma'am I've done a sweep of the area everything is fine."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon