Always there chapter 18

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Always there
Chapter 18

End of September 2009

Shelby POV

Today's the day of the shoot I can't believe I got Norman to do it. I didn't think he would but yeah he said he wanted to. I haven't told Alex who's shooting me as it's none of his business. It's not a work-related thing so he has no say in it. As much as I love Alex and I do he tells me what to do. I'm like fully booked up for the next two years pretty much as I have another two or three marvel movies and a few others in between and conventions so many conventions. I got Sean working my ass off. I've had my hair and makeup done I was just waiting for the artist to be ready.

"Darling we are ready for you. Shel are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yeah, Lauren I do."

"I meant about you getting Norman to do the pictures?"

"Yeah, I want him to do it. He's good and I know him and he knows me I'm not shy around him I'm comfortable being naked around him."

"Man girl you are playing with fire honey. When Alex finds out he is going to be pissed."

"Yeah he will be but part of me doesn't care. So he'd rather a strange guy take pictures of me naked as opposed to someone I know?"

"Honey it's not just someone you know, it's someone you screwed on multiple occasions."

"True I can't help it he's like an itch I have but I can ignore him I have to. If I touch him I'm gonna want to touch him more and more and then I'll be in trouble."

"Do you love Alex? Because you don't sound convincing at all."

"I do there are just some parts of him I don't like."

"Honey you can tell me anything and I swear it doesn't go beyond me I won't tell Sean or anyone."

"He dominates me. Tells me what to wear, whom to talk to, and what roles I should take. I wanted to audition for one in the new James Wan movie back in April but he said it wouldn't look good on my resume and the fucking thing is a hit and I knew it Lauren I fucking knew it would be."

"Shel you need to do something about this, it's not a healthy relationship. You need to tell someone besides me."

"What would I do? He's got me my career, Lauren. If I leave him I'm back to crappy movies and being a curator. Though that does sound like a nice life."

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm here if you need me. Sean and I we will never give up on you, I know Sean won't he loves you like a sister. Come on time is a wasting."

I walk out on set and see Norman damn he looks good.

"Hey, beautiful. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Where do you want me?" Say by my side babe.

"Oh on the bed. I thought we'd start there and then head over to that kitchen they've got here. You want something on?"

"Yeah." I put my iPod on and choose my mix tape combo and heroes start it brings back memories. I follow his lead it's like sex Norman says to do something I do it bend this way and that way, turn here pout there, grab here move there.

"Okay, that's that scene done. You want to get out of that and change into something black I think. The chocolate we have will look good against your skin." I walk back to the dressing room.

Norman POV

Damn, I shouldn't be doing this. No, I'm a professional I've done this plenty of times, not with Shelby always wanted to but she wouldn't let me, she was worried that they would get out there. I have an idea for later I hope she will be into it. I'll use it for one of my art exhibits.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن