Always there chapter 60

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Always there
Chapter 60

July 10 cont...

Norman POV

"What's up Sean?"

"I don't know what to say but Emmy's missing."

"Oh fuck what do you mean she's missing? Shelby honey I'm here Melissa look after her take that phone off her. Sean have you called the cops? How did it happen? You were supposed to be looking after her. You had one job. Oh god."

"Oh god, where's my baby? Someone has my baby. Melissa don't tell me to calm down is your daughter lost? Oh god, Mac baby please settle okay baby mommy will relax, okay I'm breathing.

"Dude how did this happen?"

"I swear we had our backs turned for a nanosecond and then she was gone."

"Okay, I don't blame you bud. Look after Jessie if she's anything like Shelby she's probably blaming herself."

Over the speaker

'Amber alert we have a missing child one-year-old female with brown hair and blue eyes. In a pink shirt and shorts.'

"Baby the cops will find her."

"Will they? Why did I leave her with them? Why cause I'm a fucking useless mother."

"No, you aren't baby. Please baby you need to relax and breathe this stress isn't any good for Mac you need to think about him as well."

"Oh baby why would someone take our baby she's just a baby. She needs us. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to her honey I'll never forgive myself."

"Baby they'll find her. The cops will and she'll be fine."

"Guys maybe you should go back to the hotel?"

"Greg I'm not leaving here without my daughter. She needs me."

Just then some police officers came into the green room I know people are looking at us.

"Mr and Mrs Reedus?"

"Yeah, that's us. Is there any news on our daughter where she is?"

"No is there anyone you could think that would take her?"

"Could be anyone sir. We have enough crazy fans that would do it."

"What about someone closer to you?"

"Well, we know it's not Alex as he's dead."

"Ma'am who's Alex?"

"He was my ex, he tried killing me last year but I killed him."

"What about his family? Does he have a family?"

"Yeah, his parents are still alive. No, they wouldn't do that, they were nice to me."

"Well we will check their address you never know."

"They used to live around here in San Diego."

"Ma'am we will find her and she'll be fine."

"Thanks, officers we just want our girl back safe."

"We want that too."

"Honey they will find her."

"But what if.."

"Hey no what ifs. She's a tough girl. You're her mom. Toughest girl I know."

"I need to get out of here Norman. I need to breathe I can't breathe in here."

"Come on babe." I take her outside I know there are photographers here but she needs space. Fuck them.

"I shouldn't have brought her. I thought she'd like it. You know it's because of this that she even exists. I'm not doing one of these ever again Norman this is it it's my last one. I'll come with you but never again working."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now