Always there chapter 115

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Always there

Chapter 115

End of March 

Shelby POV

Okay, what to wear? I really should've done this last night.

"Wear one of your wrap dresses, they always look good."

"This one or is it too bold?" Showing Norman a floral wrap dress.

"Nope makes your boobs look fantastic."

"Yeah, I'm still big from breastfeeding."

"Come babe you look good remember what the doctor said that you need the weight you look good babe I think you look very sexy. I'm fighting not to sleep with you, babe."

"Me too babe I swear all I want to do is you when I don't have the kids."

"Me too babe me too."

"Come on let's head downstairs. I'm hungry for something more than sausage."

"Shame I want a fish taco." We head into the kitchen and all I can smell is cake. "Theresa what are you doing?"

"I thought the crew would want muffins and I didn't know what type. Oh, excuse me, guys. I hope I don't make you two sick, I'm sorry if you do." As Theresa runs off to the bathroom.

"Do you think she's..."

"Nah is that even possible? She's older than you right?"

"That's a horrible thing to say. It's not impossible. I don't know Steven is probably a super sperm like you."

"Yes, I was wasn't I." He kisses me.

"Shush she's coming back. Honey, you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I'm tired of throwing up."

"How long have you been throwing up?"

"Oh about a week." Norman and I smile at each other.

"Why are you smiling about?"

"You don't know. Do you?"

"Know what?"

"Honey I think you're pregnant. If you've been throwing up for a week. When was your last period?"

"I think January but I'm not pregnant I'm menopausal that's all I'm 42 I'm too old to have kids."

"Honey I have a few test kits in the bathroom. I'll grab you one do it and then you can wipe it out and if it's negative go to the docs and find out what's wrong."

I run off and go to my bathroom. Test kits where are they? Yep there they are. I run back down.

"Here go on."

"Shouldn't I do this with Steven?"

"I don't know I didn't only with my last ones, though Norman did get to know about Emerson."

"I don't wanna know." Norman walks out.

"I guess it won't hurt. It's going to be negative, god I haven't done one of these since I was a girl."

"I'm right here Theresa." She walks away.

Several minutes later...

"Honey, are you coming out of there?"

"Yeah, I am." Theresa opens the door she's crying.

"Oh what's wrong honey it's negative, I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you do it."

"No, it's positive."

"And the problem is?"

"I've only been with Steven for nearly two months he's not going to want this baby."

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