Always there chapter 38

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Always there
Chapter 38

August 2014

Shelby POV

I'm going to Hawaii that's where Jurassic park 4 or whatever they are calling it, it keeps changing its title and script. I hope that's not a sign that it will be a bad shoot. Though I must say it's rather funny that the two mains are stars in the Marvel universe. I've never worked with Chris before should be fun.

I don't wanna go this is my first trip without Emerson or Norman since she was born. Though I am excited I've never been to Hawaii it was always somewhere I wanted to go but with the whole beach thing, it was a real no-go area. But I'm feeling better about ocean water now not so scared yeah I know it was stupid but hey it scared me as a kid.

"Say bye to mommy Emmy." Norman passes Emmy to me.

"Be good for daddy and don't grow up too quickly okay? I'm gonna miss holding you darling."

"What about me Shelby you going to miss me?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you lots."

"You'll tell me if you are pregnant right."

"No, I won't I'll wait till I drop then tell you I am."

"That's not funny Shel."

"If I am which I hope I'm not I'll tell you as soon as I see you."

"I'm sorry if you are."

"Babe it's okay it's not like we don't want more kids. I want to try when we get married okay I want so much cum in me while we are on our honeymoon you think you are UP for the task?"

"Damn straight I'll be UP for the task."

"Okay baby I'll see you on October the 1st hell that's nearly two months I won't get to see you guys. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"It'll fly by and we have Skype and all that if you need me just ring I don't care what time it is calling me anytime even if it's just to say hey baby." They call my flight.

"Oh god that's my plane, I got to go but I don't want to. I'm going to miss you guys so much. I love you Norman and you little Miss be good for your dad he loves you so."

"I love you, Shelby. I'll look after our girl. Now come here woman and kiss your man." I walk closer to him and kiss him slowly at first then deeper.

"I gotta go, babe. I love you Norman and Emmy loves you too." I walk away I have to otherwise I'll never get on the plane. I walk away and wave at them before I board. I sat in my seat it was a long ass flight just over nine hours I can do this I can do my job.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" The woman next to me asks as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Yeah, it's just my first trip away from my daughter. She's only ten weeks and I'm going away for eight weeks."

"Oh, she's only a baby. She won't forget you. I bet she loves her mommy."

"Yeah but I'm probably just food to her."

"No, she knows you are her mommy. So what do you do?"

"I'm an actress."

"Oh wow, that's cool. So are you going for work or pleasure?"

"Work I start shooting tomorrow. I've left it as long as I can."

"You'll be fine."

The rest of the trip was uneventful there were a couple of fans that asked for pics I let them Norman would be happy.

They placed me in a house instead of a hotel which is good I get some privacy means I can walk around in my panties I'm not big on clothes at most times much to Norman's joy he never knew I was like that. But if I'm alone in the house then it's clothes off and boobs out. That reminds me of a time when it was raining one day I was home alone and I was just wondering around all pregnant belly and boobs and dancing to my iPod in my panties when all of a sudden Norman came home and Michael Rooker was with him I think I sprinted to our room and got dressed. I came out Michael said

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ