Always there chapter 40

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Always there
Chapter 40

Norman POV 

I'm still waiting for the plane fuck it is taking forever I had someone come up and ask for a picture I said no I'm sorry I can't. I board the plane put my phone on flight mode and scroll through the pictures there are so many pictures of Emmy and Shelby man I lucked out in the wife stakes she is beautiful. I hate that I'm hurting her by having her suffer another miscarriage. I don't know if I want her to go through this again, Emmy will just have to get used to being a little sister to Mingus. I finally land nearly ten hours later I decide to call her to see if Shelby is still at the hospital.

Ring ring...


"Hey, baby. Did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did. I just wanted to know where you were so I could see you."

"I'm at home I didn't want to be there anymore I just got home. Can you come to see me please?"

"Nope thought I'd go surfing instead babe where do you think I'd be going? I'll be there soon okay? I love you, Shelby."

"Okay, babe. See you soon."

I think she's pissed at me she always says I love you if I say it and she didn't. She probably hates me for doing this to her. I get a taxi and arrive at her house I knock on the door, and the door opens, and my heart breaks at the slight Shelby seems so sad, I can tell she's been crying.

"Come here, baby." She comes towards me and I hug her I don't want to let her go.

"I'm sorry baby. I don't know what happened."

"Come let's sit down and we will talk about it unless you don't want to."

"Yeah, I think we should babe." She takes me to the bedroom. Now, remember Reedus don't fuck up like last time you nearly lost her doing the wrong thing.

"I'm here if you just want me to hold you or anything babe. When you're ready to talk I'll listen."

"I didn't do anything risky or anything Norman I just wanted you to know that. I was in the middle of shooting a scene I was just standing and next thing I started falling and nothing, I woke up in hospital."

"Honey I know deep down you wouldn't do anything to endanger our children. I do want to talk to you about something when the time is right."

"What about babe? You might as well hit me now."

"I want to get the snip babe I don't want you to go through."

"No, you can't. I know I can have a child I'll be so careful next time I'm not going to do anything at all please Norman, I'm begging please don't I want another baby but if I did lose that one as well I will get fixed but I know it won't I mustn't know why but it is Norman I want to try again around when we get married."

"I don't know I don't want to hurt you, Shelby, you, Ming, and Emerson you mean the world, and the thought of you hurting because I made you pregnant hurts me."

"Hey it's not your fault, yeah you made me pregnant babe but I don't blame you. There may have been something wrong with it for all we know. Please don't do something rash okay promise me Norman. I can do this and it's important to me to try again."

"Why babe why would you want to do this again to yourself?"

"Okay, I won't."

"But if you lose another no ifs babe we don't anymore I can't hurt you again."

"You won't hurt me Norman. I love you so much Norman. You don't have a mean bone in your body. Can I hug you Norman can you hold me?"

"I love you, Shel."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now