Always there chapter 19

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Always there
Chapter 19

October 2009

Shelby POV

I look at the dress I'm wearing it's not what I wanted to wear I wanted something that would show my body off I have a good body I should be showing it off. I mean hell I'm only twenty-eight I should be dressing like I am. Alex brought this dress home and told me I should wear it so that it would look proper on me and to change my underwear, he's changing I don't know why and what happened but he's not the man I met over a year ago. He tells me he loves me all the time but I don't know something's wrong.

"Babe we gotta go."

"Yeah, I'm ready." I walk out of the bedroom.

"You look, beautiful babe. That looks good on you." It is nice but it's not what I would have chosen, why do I let him do this? Let a person control me I am just not that strong to not let him. He doesn't hurt me so bad so I guess it's okay, I mean he's rough in the bedroom with me but that's because I've done something to upset him, but he knows what he is talking about when we talk about my career he knows what is good and not he's been in this industry a lot longer than I have. I mean this black widow thing is going to be huge I can feel it and the bosses said they want her for at least another three or four movies so I'm set, gotta be happy about that.

We arrive and we walk the red carpet together, Alex is holding onto my hand as we pose for photos, they want some on my own so I let go of his hand and turn this way and that. Then I start to see people I see Sean and Lauren and beyond him, there's Billy, Troy, and Norman good to see he's still with Jarrah, that makes me happy.

"Hey, girl you look good." Said Sean.

"Talk about looking good look at that belly you must be nearly ready to drop Lauren. Hello, Charlie yeah it's your Aunty Shelby."

"Yeah I've only got six weeks to go he's so his daddy's baby he's kicking me all the time."

"You are so lucky."

"Hello, darling love what you've done with the hair don't think I told you last time I saw you," Billy said he's such a sweet guy.

The press gets us to pose together with me in the middle and the guys surrounding me, yeah I'm that lucky. When it was over we could relax and enjoy each other's company.

"Shelby honey can we go for a walk it's pretty out there on the balcony."

"Sure, Alex." We walk outside.

"I don't know if this is the right time or not but I love you Shelby you are the woman I want more than anything in the world. I wanted to do this for so long but we've been so busy. So I thought now, now is the right time. Shelby I would love you to do me the honor and marry me. Become the wife darling I love you so much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have babies with you and grow old with you. Shelby, will you marry me?" He presents me with a ring box I open it up and I nearly start crying. It's a large square-cut emerald ring I don't dare wanna know how much it cost him. It's beautiful.

"I don't know what to say. You want to marry me?"

"Yep I knew you were the one, you are the only one I want."

What do I do? What choice do I have? None.

Sean POV

"Lauren am I missing something? I swear Shelby isn't herself anymore she's not the girl I first met that girl is lost."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Yeah, she's not herself I knew something was wrong at the shoot."

"Something is off. I can feel it. She's not herself anymore."

"I have no idea what you are on about. She looks like the same woman I've always seen."

"No way Lauren, that dress there's no way she would wear that."

"Maybe a stylist told her too."

"Maybe you're right. They're coming back. Sean shush."

"Hey, you two lovebirds."

"Don't you two look happy? Got some news we need to know about?"

"Alex, do you wanna tell them or me?"

"I just asked Shelby to marry me and she said yes." I showed off my ring, I could see Norman he looked sad.

"So when are you kids going to do it?"

"I don't know he just asked me."

"The sooner the better she's made me wait far too long as it is."

"Alex I have to look good I have to lose like ten pounds and find a dress that takes like six months."

"And then you'll be beautiful." He kisses her. "Come on darling let's go we got some celebrating to do."

"No. Alex my man stay here we will get some shots and celebrate this great news. Come on Shel my bell let's celebrate my Lil sister getting married. And Shelby you don't need to change a thing you are a beautiful woman, the second most beautiful woman here."

"Nah she doesn't need to do that Sean."

"Actually yeah Sean that sounds like fun take me to the bar I have some drinking catching up to do." I walk her to the bar I look back I can see Norman he looks down.

"So Shelby honey are you okay?" As we were handed shots.

"Yeah, I'm great. I'm getting married. Someone wants to marry me. Dull, boring, worthless me. Someone wants me."

"Honey who says you are worthless? God woman I've seen the scenes from Iron Man 2 the guys are going to go nuts over you. You are beautiful in it. And you kick ass girl damn you are good."

"Thanks, I'm proud of that."

"Hey you know you can tell me anything. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"So are you happy darling? Is this what you want?"

"Yeah yeah I do. Alex loves me. And I do love him he's looking after me, Sean. He's what I need."

"But is he good for you girl?"

"I enjoy him. Isn't that enough?" I slam another shot back.

"Honey if you aren't happy you don't need to marry him."

"I'm happy brother. I am I've just been so busy I just wanna chill and do nothing for a change or do something I want to do."

"Honey, does he control you?"

"Not Sean he makes suggestions on what to do and they are always good. I don't always make the best choices. Playboy, fucking Norman yeah that was a great choice. I don't think Alex has forgiven me for it."

"Come lovely lady I think you've had enough Sean we are going now come on Shelby."

I watch her walk away from us. There's something wrong there. I walk over to Lauren and Norman.

"Honey there's something wrong there. She thinks she's worthless. I'm sorry to say this darling but she's a beautiful woman. Lauren if you know something you need to tell us."

"I promised her and I can't break her confidence. If I do she'll never talk to any of us at least I know what's going on. If it gets worse or bad I'll promise I'll tell you."

"What do you mean worse? What does he do to her? Norman what are you going to do? Are you going to try and save her?"

"Why she made her bed."

"What the fuck dick? If you claim to like her you would you want her suffering?"

"No, but we can't get involved it's a private matter."

"Well, we have to do something."

Now, what would the Saints do?

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now