Always there chapter 164

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Always there

Chapter 164

"Okay, babe will you be okay calling him?"

"Yeah, I can do this Sean. So I call him and say would he like to see the kids. What if he says no? What do we do then?" Says Jessie.

"Oh, fuck didn't think of that. Try convincing him it's for his benefit. That Shelby will drop them over and wait outside while he spends some time with them."

"Jessie I'm good to go, babe. Whenever you are ready, got my tools you know Norman you should've let me go off and buy a new toy."

"You're using your sex toys oh him?"

"Well I won't be using it afterward, he can keep it. But I love this one been in lots of lovely spaces isn't that right boys?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about Shelby.

"Sure you don't Sean. Jessie do you know how kinky this bastard is?"

"I have a fairly good idea on how kinky he is. Don't I?"

"Hey, I haven't even done anything."

"Oh, so you forgot about the time you raided my fridge? I think my pussy is still cold from it."

"Oh, I'll warm you up later babe when we come home."

"Shelby here is the headpiece just speak normally." Shelby puts it in her ear.

"So you can hear me when I talk?" Shelby walks away outside.

"So Shelby baby, you know what to say?"

"Knock on the door. Wait for him to answer. What if he has someone with him?"

"By the way, we can hear you loud and clear babe. Babe, we will take care of her. You are to concentrate on Clark that's all you need to worry about."

"Okay I tell him that the kids are in the car, but we need to talk first. Then I take it, however, I feel I need to."

"Yes, babe. Have fun." I kiss Norman and I walk away from them and get in my car.

Shelby POV

I arrived a short time later at Sean's house I can do this, just pretend I'm acting, fuck I'm an Oscar-winning actress.

"Okay, just breathe. Just breathe."

"Babe you'll be fine we are right behind you to see the black minivan on the street that's us."

I get out of the car and walk to the door. I knocked on the door it opens.

"Hello, you must be Shelby." Must be the girl his dating Jackie I think he said her name was.

"Hi, Jackie isn't it? May I come in? I have the kids in the car. But Sean and I need to talk first."

"Did you wanna bring the kids inside? Sean's in his office. I'll get him."

"Nah my manny is with them they are fine. Do you mind if I make us a drink?" Okay, five drops only I want to knock them out I don't want to kill them. I grab the glasses, and juice and put the drops in each.

"Hey, Shelby what you doing here?"

"You remember Jessie remember her? She said she was dropping the kids off, well she asked me to do it, they're in the car with my manny."

"Did you want to go get them?" I hand them both a glass. The girl doesn't even think she drinks from it straight away.

"Oh, I will after we have a little talk."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now