Always there chapter 157

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Always there

Chapter 157

Six weeks later August 2018

Norman POV

"Very good Norman you only lost two pounds since your last treatment so that's a total of twenty pounds. Honestly Norman that's good. We will get that blood work done I'll put a rush on it and we will discuss the results with you when you are done. Come on sir let's get this last round started. You must be glad?"

"Yeah, I am very happy to be doing this anymore."

"I bet you are." The needle goes into my port and the round starts.

"So babe what are you going to do now you don't have to have any more chemo?"

"I had an idea about that. I was thinking let's go somewhere just us you, me and the kids."

"Yeah, I think so to babe we need that. Especially before the new kids arrive."

"You're happy right babe?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired that's all babe. I don't have the right to say that. I'm not the one sick. I have no reason for saying that."

"Yeah, you do. Babe, you've been amazing. Looking after me Shelby. You have been amazing. I wasn't sure what to expect but you've exceeded my hopes and wishes in you looking after me. I thought I would be abandoned like last time but you haven't you have been here for every doctor's visit, every round of chemo yeah you've fallen asleep but that's because we've been mucking around early in the morning."

"I owe you for how poorly I treated you last time, how bad I was last time I never want to treat you like that. I need to decide on something as well but that can wait for a while."

"You're not leaving me babe are you?"

"No babe I am not."

"Then are you splitting with Sean?"

"I don't know babe. This can't be healthy and he deserves to be happy and have a girl that is only his, yeah I love him I do but not like I love you, if I was single then yeah I would be with him, but I'm not. I wanna be your wife Norman. He deserves to be happy."

"He says he is happy babe, I'm happy. But if that's what you think is the right thing to do then you two need to talk."

"I will when you are better or maybe when the babies are born it's such a complicated situation."

"Exactly babe. You two need to decide what you want. If you want him in your life, especially with the twins they are his kids biologically. We can't stop him from seeing them."

"I know my greediness in wanting everything my way causes problems."

"Hey I get it, babe, I'd have trouble picking which one of us you'd want though I'd go with me just saying. I'm the sexier one."

"Yeah, you are. I love you, babe. I want to have a life with you. I love what the three of us have but I want him happy too, I don't want him denying himself meeting a nice girl because of me."

"Maybe you should let him decide babe. Maybe he isn't capable of a relationship with someone yet. All he can do and give is what he is now. When he is ready then he will find a nice girl, until then we need to be there for him as well. I can't imagine what he must have gone through losing Lauren, I'd be lost without you Shelby."

"I'm never going anywhere. Babe, you and me babe. You said it once two against the world babe. That's what we are. I'm sorry if I've been sleeping with him."

"Honest babe you have hardly. He has only joined us a few times since I've been sick and you two have hardly slept together on your own."

"I don't know. I do love him you know that but it's nowhere near what I feel for you."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now