Always there chapter 86

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Always there

Chapter 86

Norman POV

We finally got home, said hello to the kids we had dinner as a family Ming keeps looking at me. He asked me if I was okay. I told him I was but I'm not I have to call my parents and tell them what's happening. The kids are finally asleep, and Mingus is playing in his room. I head into our room and I hit the call button on my phone.

Ring ring...


"Hi, dad."

"Norman, how things how are those girls of ours cooking?"

"They are cooking along great, about three months to go. Is mom there?"

"Yeah, sure I'll get her." I hear him call out to mom and she comes to the phone.

"Hi, Norman honey. How's everything?"

"Are you sitting down mom? Please sit down mom if you aren't."

"Honey you are scaring me. I'm sitting is it the kids or Shelby baby?"

"Mom I don't how to tell you but I have testicular cancer mom."

"Oh god" 

"I don't know how it happened but I had a scan today and they a saying that the lumps are cancerous. I get the results properly on Monday and go for surgery on Tuesday morning."

"Oh god. I'm coming into Atlanta tomorrow honey, I can't leave you to face that alone."

"I'm not mom I have Shelby. But yeah I'd like it if you could come. Should I call Leslie and tell her what's happening?"

"Honey I'll call her and your brothers too, I'm sure you have lots of others to call. I will be there your dad is saying we will be there tomorrow as soon as we can honey okay? Now you need to not stress babe, get Shelby to look after you and make sure she's not stressing out."

"I'm trying not to stress her out. I don't want her to have the babies too soon she's not due until mid-January they are too small now."

"So how my nearly grandbabies? And my others do they know?"

"I'm not telling them until I know more which will be Monday when I get the results back."

"I think you should tell Mingus either way honey I mean you have to have surgery right? You can say that you have this but you don't know how bad it is."

"Yeah, I should. I got to go mom thanks for coming."

"Now where else would I be?"

"I don't know mom. I still can't believe it mom that this is happening I'm this is sick I don't feel it. If Shelby hadn't found it then I don't know it could have gotten worse."

"Shelby found it? Do I even want to know?"

"Probably not, but I'm glad she did mom. She might have saved me."

"Sounds like she might have honey. Alright, you go do what you have to. I love you son. I'll see you tomorrow okay."

"Thanks, mom. Bye, mom."

"Bye Norman." Mom is right I should tell Mingus, I walked out of the bedroom and I can hear noise coming from the kitchen. I can see Shelby cleaning she cleans when she's stressed.

"Baby, you okay?" She turns she doesn't look well.

"Oh, I'll survive. Oh, I'm sorry that is the worse thing I could say. I'm such an insensitive bitch. I'm sorry Norman. I'm so selfish look at me I'm worried about myself when I should be looking after you."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now