Always there chapter 68

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Always there
Chapter 68

Christmas time

Norman POV

I love Christmas this is our first proper Christmas last year it just didn't feel right with what happened this feels right. Also, we move into our new place which surprised, Shelby has gone crazy wanting everything right as it's a big Christmas for her she's invited all our folks to come over for a real family Christmas and I have Mingus this year, as we usually alternate Christmas.

"So kiddo you think this is a good tree?" Carrying the tree into the house.

"Sure is dad. I'm sure Emmy will just love to eat it, dad." Ming and I arrive at a slight scene of chaos.

"Hey, nan."

"Hi guys, nice tree."

"Nan nan."

"Hello, Emmy how's my favorite little girl."

"This is a lovely home Norman."

"Thanks, dad yeah. The decorator did a good job but Shelby picked everything."

"Ah, son you didn't want your stamp on the place?"

"Yeah it will be just getting my artwork moved over, I just want Shelby happy mom and this makes her happy and it's pretty comfy."

"True it looks pretty good."

Then we hear Shelby singing.

"Is that Shelby?"

"Yeah she's practicing for her new role, what do you think? I think she sounds good."

"Well don't you sound like the big proud hubby?"

"Yeah I am mom, she's amazing, I know she's nervous about the golden globes, I think she's in shock that she was nominated but she's so good mom in it."

"I know we saw it."

"Hello, babe." I kiss her.

"Hey, babe."

"Hmmm coming, good babe." I nuzzle into her neck.

"I am? Paul thinks I am. He offered me something and I'm thinking highly about it."

"What is it, babe?"

"He wants to record me, some originals some covers. I don't know singing in a movie that's one thing on an album that's more of an Emily thing to do. I don't want to tour babe I just want to film what I have to film and that's it."

"Honey you are good if Paul is saying that he would know babe. He wouldn't have hired you if you weren't. You remember what Guillermo said when you told him about the movie that Paul is amazing trust him, honey, if he is thinking you could do it, do it have fun if it's a one-off who cares."

"Um, where did my hubby go? But you know I love you Norman." As she kisses me.

"Shel honey you sound really good, kind of reminds me of Karen Carpenter."

"That's the idea Maryanne. People probably won't get it, have no idea who she is though I do love her, what can I say I'm an old soul." Mingus leaves us grown-ups alone Maryanne turns and says.

"So I want to know how are you two?"

"What makes you think that there's a problem mom?"

"Oh, I don't know you guys seemed a little tense lately." I walk over to Shelby and hug her.

"Yeah mom we had some issues, didn't we Shel? But I think we've worked them out."

"Yeah Maryanne, a lot of it was post-natal depression and everything to do with Andy dying."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now