Always there chapter 20

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Always there
Chapter 20

Ten months later July 2010

Wedding day

Shelby POV

I can't believe today is happening. Please be good weather. I open my eyes and the sky is blue. Later on, I'm dressed and my hair is done. Alex has been so good to me letting me have pretty much whatever and whomever I wanted. The cake I wanted, the photographer I wanted, the venue, and the guest list I wanted. I invited all the Boondock guys even Norman I have no idea how I got that I thought Alex hated him but he said sure to invite him, I bet he won't come though and to my surprise, Norman rsvp'd that he was coming.

Lauren is my maid of honor she's pretty much my best friend. She and Sean had such a beautiful baby Charlie he is so sweet. It makes me realize my baby wouldn't be a baby anymore it would have been a five-year-old. I've made so many mistakes in my life. Then I hear someone knocking on the door.

Norman POV

The night before...

"Come on dude let's go have a drink, Reedus. If you are going to be this depressing why did you come?"

"Because if I don't see it happen I won't believe it happened. I still care about her."

"I think you more than care about her maybe that's why you broke up with Jarrah and the rest of them because you still love her." As he says that Alex walks in he has this huge shit-eating grin. "Hey, Alex congrats only one more day and you are a married man. How does it feel dude?"

"Fucking awesome have you seen my bride? She's beautiful or she will be in her dress." Asshole she is beautiful she could wear a paper bag and still be the most beautiful woman in the world.

"She will look amazing you are a lucky man."

"Yes, I am Norman. Thank you dude for fucking up. If you hadn't fucked up as many times as you had, you and she would be together, but you did and she's mine."

"That's real nice do you kiss Shelby with that mouth?"

"Oh, I do a lot more than kiss her with this mouth as I'm sure you are aware."

"Sean I don't think I'm going to have that drink after all and you Alex you better treat Shelby great if I find out you aren't you will regret it."

"I promise she's safe with me." I get up I don't believe a word he says. I wonder where she is and I wonder if Lauren will know where she is. I knocked on their door.

"Hey, Norman what are you doing up here?"

"Do you know where she is?"

"If you mean Shelby yeah I do. What are you going to do Norman? Can you save her from herself?"

"Is it as bad as I think it is?"

"It's pretty bad Norman."

"Does he beat her? I haven't noticed any bruises." Oh please don't let him have beaten my girl up or hurt her.

"I can't say I promised her I wouldn't and if I told you, you'll get mad. Why do you think I haven't said anything to Sean he will want to beat the shit out of him and he's not in love with her, you on the other hand I know you still love her, you might just wanna kill him."

"What does he do to her? If he's not beating her up what is he doing to her?"

"You should ask her. She's in room 1205. Try and save our girl can you."

Oh, girl what's happening to you I need to think of how to do this. I can't do it tonight. I'll do it in the morning.

Knock knock

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now