Always there chapter 152

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Always there

Chapter 152

February 2018

Shelby POV

I follow Norman to his room and watch the staff set him up. They explain the pain dosage machine what needs to be done. I sitting there watching him. I don't know what to do. Once they are gone I decide to call Helena and arrange for Sean to pick up Ming and bring him back.

Ring ring...

"Hello. Yes, Shelby?"

"Hi, Helena. I'm sending Sean over to pick up Mingus. Can you have Ming ready? Sean Patrick will be around to pick him up shortly."

"What's happening?"

"Norman's sick he needs his son." I start crying.

"Oh god. I didn't know. What's wrong?"

"His cancer has come back, he needs his son here Helena, Sean will be there shortly."

"Oh of course. Shelby, I'm sorry for everything."

"Thank you, Helena."

"How is he doing?"

"He has stage 2 kidney cancer, Helena, in both kidneys, he has just come out of surgery. He's not good Helena. It's worse than we thought it was only supposed to be in one kidney but they found a small lump in the right kidney as well. Helena he is going to pull through this he has so much to live for. I have to go he is starting to stir."

"Without sounding weird can you send him my love? Thank you for telling me, Shelby."

"Not a problem Helena, I got to go." I hang the phone up. I hear Norman cough, I walk over to his bed.

"Hey, beautiful." I move the hair out of his eyes.

"Hey, where's my leprechaun?"

"Sorry she wasn't feeling it, babe, maybe tomorrow you will have a visit okay."

"It's okay. Don't need her, I need you." I kiss him.

"I need you to babe. I spoke to Helena, Sean will be getting Ming and bringing him here."

"Oh, I forgot about telling him. He's going to be pissed babe."

"Mingus will understand why you didn't babe. How are you feeling? Do you need more pain relief?"

"Yeah, it's there but not bad."

"Hey, babe you don't have to be so tough. They were telling me if you need pain relief you can press this button here honey and it is dispensed okay." He presses the button.

"Oh, that's some good shit babe."

"Sean is going to get him. I'll bring him in tomorrow."

"He's a good guy babe."

"Yeah, he is babe. Almost as good as you. We need to talk babe."

"What wrong Shel? Something happen is it out there?"

"Don't know haven't been looking but it's about the operation they found something when they were operating."

"Oh god what tell me, babe."

"Well, they were checking your other kidney and found another lump....." Norman starts crying. "Hey, babe they got it all out this one was tiny they were able to just cut it out. You're gonna pull through this. I know it, babe."

"What with half a kidney? Then I have chemo. What's the point, Shelby? They'll just find another spot somewhere else."

"What's the point? What about living Norman? I don't want to be a widow. I want your kids to know how great you are especially these two we are having they need to know you. You have to fight this Norman, fight harder than you have ever fought anything in your life. Do you want to die? Don't have the chemo and you will die is that what you want?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon