Always there chapter 32

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Always there
Chapter 32

One week later... 32 weeks

Shelby POV

It's so nice being with Norman. I've decided to surprise him, I haven't been to the set since last year. I got out of the shower and find there were no towels how the fuck does that happen? Oh well it's only a few feet I can walk it and anyway I'm all alone Mingus is at Devin's so I can just walk to our room. I step out of the bathroom and start walking to our room then I hear it.

"Oh shit Shelby. I'm sorry I'm not looking."

"Oh fuck." I quickly cover my boobs and crotch and run to my room. "Mingus fuck me go to your room." As I run to my room. Oh god, Mingus just saw me naked. What am I gonna do? I get dressed and walk over to Mingus's room. I lightly knock on his door there's no answer. So I opened the door. And am shocked at what I see. Mingus was touching himself. Damn, he's as big as his dad.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to see any of that. I'll just walk away." Mingus follows me out of his room and pulls his pants up.

"Oh god, Shel I'm sorry you weren't meant to see that."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to walk into your room."

"I shouldn't have been doing that. You aren't going to tell my dad are you?"

"Yeah I have to he needs to know. I know you like me, Mingus. I get it Ming but I'm sure there's a girl out there that likes you."

"I know mum. That's what makes it even worse. I know dad loves you. But I've had a crush on you forever. I'm trying it's just so hard."

"I shouldn't have done what I did."

"I'm sorry you saw what you saw. Yeah, I shouldn't have. But I can see that dad loves you. You are a very pretty woman, but that's right you are old enough to be my mom and in a few weeks, you're gonna be my stepmom so I need to just forget about you. Seeming you're my sister's mom."

"I still need to tell your dad okay? He won't be mad but he needs to know."

"Okay, Shelby."

"I'm going to the set you want to come? Your dad says there are some new people in the cast if you want to meet them?"

"Sure mom."

We drive to the set, the guard said we weren't allowed on set today but he could stay at Norman's trailer.

"Ming? Do we want to do that? Or do we want to go into town and shop or eat?"

"I'm starving." We drive into Senoia as it's closest to the set.

"Okay Mingus, bub wants spicy food so let's go to Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant."

"Mom that's cool so what else have you been craving?" As sit down and order.

"Chocolate. Baby's been hating peanut butter and mayonnaise. And I've been craving tomatoes I hate tomatoes that were a hard one."

"So what's it like being a pregnant mom?"

"I love it. Your dad thinks I look amazing."

"You do mom. I know I shouldn't say it but you do."

"Thanks, Ming. I'm sorry if I've caused so much trouble babe."

"Na you didn't dad should've told me you two had been in a relationship. I would never have looked at you it feels dirty."

"It's not Ming. It's perfectly Norman I mean normal. God, I got your dad on my mind or having baby brain."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now