On Leather Wings

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

(Ladies and gentlemen of all DC Animated Universe 'DCAU' cartoon fans made by Bruce Timm himself, Anime, or just the comic books of them to collect...For the first time 'besides loving the other series to enjoy watching', I made for the first to planning it out for a long time now of Batman: The Animated Series type of love story, funny in between, action, crime fighting as well, and of a super hero story from my all-time childhood cartoon show to still love it today I did grew up during the 1990's! Yep! With some characters and a made up one name Megan Tsuki who helps out Bruce Wayne to start liking her and knowing about his identity as Batman himself to be liking her a lot more as another hero in Gotham, to also save the world. Featuring of the two movies, the four video games, and the series for seasons one, two, and three in this first saga here. Are you all ready to read and to enjoy it? Please do. Because here we go. :D)

*Megan Tsuki – Age 22, with long black hair, with tan-like color type of skin, very smart, though she can be quiet sometimes, fights very well, wears a leather black jacket, with a blue tank top, long black pants to be half cut on the right side, a long belt hanging down around her waist, with blue eyes, has a mysterious bracelet around her wrist of her arm, one long tights on her right leg of her rip part of the pants, and wears high heel type of black shoes.

Episode #1 – On Leather Wings

On July 13th, a half-bat/half-human creature ghosts past the Gotham Air One police blimp with two cops were unable to track it down.

"This is Gotham Air One reporting in." said the pilot. "Things are actually quiet for once."

Another Police Blimp Pilot sees the radar beeping.

"You see that?"

"What?" he asked.

"I had a blip." he points out. "It just ghosted across my screen."

The pilot looks out the window to see nothing.

"I don't see anything."

Somehow, the man did see something.

"It was there. Whatever it is must be right below us." A streak flies past the blimp's window. "There it is!" he saw it again.

"There what is?"

"It looked like-- bat wings!"

But the pilot doesn't believe in the man.

"Bat wings?" he goes with it to make sure. "Okay. Take us up through those clouds, just in case." The blimp appears above the clouds alone. "Sorry kid, there's nothing up here."

"I swear I saw it! Something was flying around up here."

But there was nothing in the skies for them to see...From something to be flying around to soon be breaking into the fourth floor of Phoenix Pharmaceuticals...With the security guard to be playing around with his tape recorder, as someone tries sneaking into the building 'dress as another security guard'. Hearing a noise to stay behind from the other real one, a noise was heard of that half bat-like person to make a loud sound to see the terror for this man. The other one sees the danger to try to do something about it, and quickly.

"Get back!" an unknown person calls out to the person.

He turns around with the tape recorder still recording to fear from seeing the strange figure and screams in fear.

"Get away!!!"

The thing hits the recorder out of the security guard's hands to try using a chair to throw at it, and misses.

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