Terror in the Sky

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #39 – Terror in the Sky

On a dark winter night in Gotham, a couple dockworkers are suddenly assaulted by a giant bat creature that is very interested in the fruit that they are loading. Megan sees this to have another Man-Bat attack happening to her all over again, besides her first enemy to face with in a long time and where she and Bruce/Batman first meant so it would make sense surprisingly.

"(What the...? Man-Bat's back?! Kirk?!)" Megan uses her bag camera to take come shots to scan into her computer book. "(It can't be him! It just can't! And I'm going to prove it to Bruce somehow.)" she then calls Bruce up. "Bruce, it's me. You're not going to believe what I just saw tonight."

This might take a while for her...After gorging itself on some choice pieces, it takes off into the skies and returns home. Dr. Kirk Langstrom awakens in a panic, disturbed by his nightmares. His wife, Francine, asks him what is wrong, but he says it's nothing. However, when he heads for the window, he finds the remains of some of the fruit the Man-Bat had eaten along with some rather large claw marks on the carpet. The dockworkers explain the attack to some rather skeptical police, but Batman is listening in, and knows exactly what they are talking about.

"You don't think...?" Batman didn't want to believe in it either. "I see what you mean, Megan."

"Told you so. I know, right?! This is huge! So says the photos on here, this might be a while to find some answers..."

Batman then heads out to confront Dr. Langstrom with Megan tagging along on his Batcycle.

"We'll find some answers, it takes time."

"Lots of it." she then remembers something with Bruce. "I know what you're thinking about right now, Bruce. The first time we meant together was from the Man-Bat event...From the people framing you, one of my old friends almost getting killed, I was a traveling bounty hunter, we found each other to stop the event to know our partner, and..."

"Found a cute girl to be working for me." Batman smiled.

This made Megan's face completely red.

"Yeah, that too. Good times back then." Megan said. "Surprising, it's all coming back to us again."

"Good times." Batman then calls up Alfred from his Batcycle. "Alfred."

Alfred answers the call back at the Batcave.

"Trouble, Master Bruce? Ms. Megan?" ask the butler.

More than you know about it for an enemy has come back for Batman to talk about it.

"You could say that. Report of a huge bat creature the size of a man. Remind you of anybody?"

Megan holds on to Batman's waist to wrap her arms around his while riding on his Batcycle.

"We think Kirk Langstrom's at it again, or something far worse about it." said Megan. "Well, that is.... if he is Man-Bat again. There are still have no evidence yet."

Alfred gets it now.

"Troublesome? Present company excepted? Indeed, sir, it does. Perhaps Dr. Langstrom's the Man-Bat again? Or someone else close to him is like Ms. Megan just described it?"

"It seems that way." said Batman while driving.

"I hope he isn't taking that formula again, do you?" he asked again.

Well, there was one way, I think.

"I don't know." Megan doesn't have anything.

"Neither do I. But Megan and I know where we can find our answers."

Batman: The Animated Series - A Bounty Hunter's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now