Heart of Ice

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #12 - Heart of Ice

As a ballerina effigy dance in her glass dome, a strange, armored man talks to the small dancer, promising a 'best served cold' revenge against the 'monster' for taking her from him.

"This is how I'll always remember you---surrounded by winter, forever young, forever beautiful. Rest well, my love. The monster who took you from me will soon learn that revenge is a dish...Best served cold."

Who was this mysterious man...? Later, Summer Gleeson gives a report on a series of mysterious heists pulled at various offices of Gothcorp, all with the same M.O.: a 'freeze gun' that creates a cold wave capable of generating thick sheets of ice and snow, per eyewitnesses. Ferris Boyle, Gothcorp's CEO, says he doesn't know what the mysterious perpetrator has against Gothcorp, but hopes any differences can be patched up. In the Batcave, Megan sees to believe in this part of the news for herself after seeing and watching it all on TV.

"Wait. Wait. Wait...How can it snow in the middle of the Summer?" Megan was lost in words. "It's not even Winter yet!" while she was trying to get some answers to ask how Batman was doing. "Find anything, Bruce? My head hurts right now just trying to think of something."

"Either that or Father Winter came too early?"

Nice joke there, Bruce.

"I get it. Well, Summer Gleeson said on TV something of an ice type of gun on what I can get at, but where does the parts come from in to making one?"

Batman examines a list of the stolen devices, and finds that, when combined, they form a larger version of the freeze gun, large enough to become a fully operational freezing cannon to the extent of being a city-wide threat.

"Taking up video game are we, sir?" ask Alfred.

"We wish, Alfred, believe me." Megan said.

"Although I wish I want to see it too."

"I found these parts stolen from the different factory areas of Gotham, use differently, but put it all together to make some type of weapon." said Bruce to show it on his computer. "They don't look like much alone for what you two are seeing right now, however if you put them together like matching a puzzle piece... "

Shows it all on blueprint of the computer screen to make a powerful type of weapon.

"My word." surprised Alfred.

"They combined a powerful weapon to create a stronger cold type of machine. To freeze anything or anyone with it."

Megan sees it too as she heard about this type of weaponry before.

"I got it!" she explains the rest. "This was use during World War 2! A powerful weaponry made to freeze up anyone in the way who were in enemy territory; back when the Nazis and their allies try invading other country lands; the Americans build this to seal off areas to trap the bad guys to have them stop or arrested. Which it did work in the end, it was enough for the war to be over afterwards. But seeing how powerful it was, I guess Gotham bought this thing to separating it for protection so no one would use it for evil. Or something from the last part was, you know? That's what my computer book's getting at."

Still, one thing was left out from the blueprints of the weapon.

"You're right, Megan, it just one thing left missing. And only one Gothcorp plant makes it."

However, the machine is still missing one more component, meaning that Batman knows where the thieves will strike at next. Megan was on it within seconds.

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