Off Balance

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #45 – Off Balance

Megan has been through a lot to find out more about her murderer who took her parents' lives from the group known as the League of Shadows, for their leader the Demon's Head must be stopped. Speaking of Megan, she and Batman meet one of his underworld informants, Twitch, atop Gotham's Statue of Liberty.

"(Well, if anyone has the answers from my memories even more, then it might be this guy to give us something.) Come on, Batman." Megan calls out to Twitch. "Hey, dude, it's us."

"An hour I've been waiting. I don't know why Nikko wanted me to meet him up here anyway."

Megan remembers hearing about Twitch and Nikko who were partners from time to time.

"He didn't, Twitch."

Well, Batman says so otherwise...

"He didn't come, Twitch, remember?" he said to showing himself from the shadows. "We did."

Twitch sees now for to know about Megan to talk when doing business, just never seeing Batman around her until tonight.

"You!" surprised Twitch. "What gives, Megan? You tricked me!"

"Look, I had a good reason to get you to come here. My partner means business, so it has everything to do with me. See?" Megan shows her gun to the man to be serious.

Good point for Twitch to realize this situation loud and clear, or clearer to him.

"Then what do you two want?"

"Information on the Society of Shadows." said Batman.

Megan makes it much clearer to Twitch in her own words.

"We wish to know about the League of Shadows, or what the cops are saying from most wanted the Society of Shadows. There was a clone of me for I've survived the cult of theirs who wanted to stop the boss who's calling himself the Demon's Head, he murdered my family and made me into a mutant freak with powers."

"And word is because from that event, they started operating here." Batman says the rest. "Tell us all about me. Not just for me, but for Megan."

And so, he tells them on what he knows of so far. Twitch says he's been running errands for a mysterious organization, the Society of Shadows. He mentions they are planning a heist of a high-tech weapon, and their leader goes by the name 'Vertigo'.

"Well, there's not much to tell. I only work for them, okay? Not with them!"

Megan looks through her watch to read from Twitch's reactions, he wasn't lying, just scared of something else.

"He's right." she said.

"That'll do. Now talk."

Batman knows how to make someone crack.

"Okay! Okay! They're supposed to have their claws whenever they make some done dirty deal, in fact...word on the streets is saying that some major's going down tonight. Going to sell on some super sound gizmo of some kind."

Again, Megan shows Batman from her watch of Twitch wasn't lying still.

"Right again."

"Where are they running the show?" ask Batman.

"Strange thing about these guys is. Come to think of it, this person goes by the name Vertigo." said Twitch. "They say that he's-!"

Just then right before Twitch could say the rest to them, two agents of the Society appear and attack. Megan puts her gun out to stop them for she could feel out of them who are part of the cult she was trapped in. Hey! Her memories were coming back little by little.

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