Feat of Clay Parts 1 and 2

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #17 - Feat of Clay

A strange meeting takes place in an abandoned tramway station in Gotham at three o' clock in the morning, between Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne. Fox gives a suitcase full of evidence to Bruce, which incriminates Roland Daggett in an illegal scheme to take over Wayne Enterprises through insider trading. Bruce, with a rather sinister smile, says he plans to destroy them...and a group of armed henchmen appear from the upper levels of the tramway and try to kill Fox. Megan sees this mess to be going on for meeting with Batman 'at their usual spot' to give him a call from her belt.

"(Lucius...?)" Megan contacts Bruce/Batman right away. "Yo, Bruce. Something's going on at the abandon tramway for a group of thugs are shooting at your friend Lucius Fox, while he's running away with a suitcase in his hands. Get down here right away! I'll protect him!"

Batman hears her loud and clear to hold off their plans of hanging out to come later.

"I'm on my way."

One bad guy shoot at a sign to fall on top of Lucius from going anywhere, no surrounded for Megan to step in shooting at the man to drop his weapon.

"Lucius?" Megan checks that the man was still alive but out cold then points her gun out at the thugs. "All right! Nobody move! You want this man and the suitcase, then you must go through me first. Come on...!"

Those group working for Ronald Daggett were about to kill Fox to get the suitcase from him as Megan tries guarding Bruce's friend to be ready to fire her weapon and fight back.

"Let's finish this fast, before we have the law on our necks." said Bell. "We can take her on."

"Too late, dirt bags." Batman said to the bad guys.

This gets Bell 'a member of Daggett's' and the others their attention.

"Huh? Who said that?"

Batman slides down he rope upside down and wrapped in his cape.

"The Batman! Not him!" Bell freaks out. "We can't let the two stop us now!"

Batman springs from the ceiling and stops one of the three thugs and Megan with the other two as she uses a taster gun to shock and beat them up but is stopped short of detaining the remaining two. Megan sees the leader escaping to go after him, leaving Batman to get one member for the other two to be getting away.

"The ringleader's escaping!"

Wayne, obviously, an impostor, escapes, leaving behind a near-fatally wounded Fox, who identifies Bruce as his attacker when he is found by the police. Megan overhears him saying the name on who set him up.

"Wayne...Bruce Wayne..." Lucius was very weak. "He...set...me...up..."

"What? Bruce Wayne?" Megan was shocked to see Batman taking care of other things. "(Impossible! Bruce is with me!) Batman! The other thugs are getting away!"

"Freeze! Don't move!" said a cop.

As the two cops try stopping them to be running fast and Batman leaves the place. Now getting Lucius treated leaving Megan confused to find a drop of type of gel on the ground to analyze with her computer book, while she does that to regrouping with Bruce to see what was really going on.

"(Well, one thing at a time. I got to find out what's happening. For all I know for sure is that Bruce was with me to not do something like this to his friend, I know it.)"

It is revealed that Bruce's impostor is Matt Hagen, a famous movie actor. Hagen has developed a serious addiction to 'Renuyu', a dangerous experimental chemical developed by Daggett's laboratories, which allows him to reform his facial features into any appearance he wants. The chemical is necessary to cover the disfigurement he suffered in some car accident years before, and which he has kept secret from the public.

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