Robin's Reckoning Parts 1 and 2

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #28 – Robin's Reckoning

During a stakeout at a construction site, Batman, Megan, and Robin catch a gang of mobsters trying to sabotage an incomplete building to extort money from a wealthy architect.

"Hmm...Let's see here...." Megan was looking around by using her bottle like telescope to see for her down below the building. "Nothing here, nothing there, and so on...with the same old night watch."

"If I knew it was going to be this long, I would have brought my homework!" said Robin to ask Batman about it again. "You sure about this extortion ring? And you, Megan?"

"Yep." she said.


Batman just kept on saying 'uh-hun' repeatably when Robin asks him so many times.

"It's been four hours."

"Uh-hun." Batman says it again.

"Hey come on, Dick." Megan tries lightening up the mood. "If Bruce said about these guys showing up, then they will. I go with my instincts."

So, Dick/Robin had no choice but to go along with to wait a bit more.

"If you say so, Megan." he just relaxes for a bit. "Lucky for me you're such a good conversationalist."

Bruce/Batman smiles when Robin said for Megan laughs a little. Soon both Batman and Megan see three men going up in the elevator of a construction unfinished building.

"Bruce, there they are." Megan reports back to seeing them.

"The slime balls we've been looking for."

Robin was all gear up to go into action.


So was Megan for Batman tells the two on what or who they were dealing with.

"These are con-sabatons, Robin." said the Dark Knight. "Megan, I'm sure you already know the drill by now. Let's take them by the numbers nice and easy."

Well, Robin was more up and ready to go.

"Yeah, time to kick some butt! Come on, Megan!" Robin goes off first.

"Give me a minute, we're coming." she said.

"Good thing we had that talk." Batman grabs Megan for her to give her lift to hook shot to the other side.

"Tell me about it."

The three stop the bad guys for Robin takes one on in a lifter-like elevator, for Batman and Megan stop the other two.

"Oh, great...!" surprised the bad guy.

"Hiya, boys!" Megan said to get her gun and yoyo's out for battle. "Now, you two ready to dance?"

Robin overpowers one man no problem, for Megan holds up the other one from the wrench almost hitting her to push back to fall right on to a rope to be hanging around; as Batman takes on the other one by using a metal pipe, for Batman to fight back for him to be trap on a high beam, Robin placing the other guy on the lifter. For the other one comes back up to use a nail gun on Robin to jump to another safety and for Batman to stop him. Nice one! They manage to beat the gang but most of them escaped, being two of them. Robin was trying to get them back, but Batman says that all was good.

"Let them go. He's all we need." he tells Megan to bring the thug down. "You're up, Megan."

Megan uses her ribbons to keep the man on hold of the beam with his life without falling.

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