Time Out of Joint

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #71 - Time Out of Joint

Bruce, Megan, and Dick sit through a charity auction featuring an antique clock from the reign of Louis XVI.

"Boring...Another auction thing we're doing." said Megan.

"I understand of you being bored, Megan, but you Dick?" he asked. "It's only been ten minutes."

Bruce can deal with Megan than himself to sit through things unlike Dick to be tired from it all.

"Ten minutes for you two, it feels like ten hours to me."

Guess the biding will start on the clock that was very high price type of thing.

"Who will start the bidding at $400,000?"

"You've got to be kidding!" said Dick. "I wouldn't use that for a doorstop!"

Meanwhile, Temple Fugate, the Clock King, walks up to the building. Amazingly, he disappears after pushing a device on his hip. Him again? He enters the building, and the clock disappears as soon as it's sold. Megan thought she was seeing things, but this was no magic trick.

"Wow! Did you two see that?!" she was surprised. "Hey, Dick, you said you saw the Clock King just now?"

"I did."

"Then he's still alive..." Megan gets ready to find the man who returns outside of the building. "Dick. Bruce. Go get dress and I'll meet you two out back."

Outside, Fugate holds the clock and is pleased with the trial run, he then throws the clock into the trash.

"A trial run and it went like clockwork." Clock King looks at the Louis XIV clock and tosses it into the trash. "Hmm. Got one."

Well, they missed him, but not without Megan hacking into the security cameras to get the tape hacked into her computer book to get something from the man just now. Later, Batman, Megan, and Robin watch a security tape with Commissioner Gordon.

"Thanks for getting us the footage, Megan, it only shows of the clock on the tape and then disappearing. Just like that, see?" said Gordon.

Megan doing all of this so she could to find the answers.

"Hmm...You're right about one thing, Gordon, it's really hard to tell. Unless...Someone can move really fast than any of you can in a flash."

With Megan saying it, Batman had a thought about it from the scene to look at again.

"Wait, maybe Megan's right. Go back." he tells Gordon to play it again. Watching it in slow motion, they see that a hand appears behind the clock just before it disappears. "Right there. Freeze it."

Once Batman points it out quickly, Megan gets it from her computer book in from that little image.

"It must be the hand everyone's talks about." said Robin.

"So, I was right for someone was fast to steal the clock." and Megan. "But the question is, who? Not another Invisible Man. That's good to know."

Good thing it wasn't him again, that for sure.

"Then who could it be?" Gordon asked.

These rules out the possibility of there being an Invisible Man and helps to confirm for them that Fugate, whom Dick swears he saw for a moment during the auction, is behind the heist. Guess he was right.

"I think it's Temple Fugate, the Clock King." said Batman.

"But how do you know that?" Gordon asks again.

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