The Terrible Trio

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #69 - The Terrible Trio

Three men wearing masks—a Fox, a Vulture, and a Shark—enter an office building and bust open the safe. They subdue the building security guard, Henry, who is struck by the Fox's pretentious speech.

"A valiant effort, stout sentinel, but the game was ours aware for it began." he said.

What's up with these guys...? Fox even drops a stack of stolen cash into the guard's lap, citing his pathetically low salary. The guard throws it back in Fox's face, and just then, Batman, Megan, and Robin arrived.

"I told you two that someone was causing trouble here..." Megan stops to see who the thieves were. "Three men in three animal costumes? A fox, a vulture, and a shark? Ah, okay...? You three are still under arrest!"

The Trio slide down a grapple to a nearby pier and jump into a getaway boat. Landing on the pier, Robin starts to give chase, but Batman yells for him to stop, too late now. With the guard looking fine, both he and Megan tries catching up with her two partners.

"With pleasure." Robin chases up to them. "You three heard the pretty lady. The costume party is over."

"You want me, Tweety Bird? Come on then."

Batman and Megan arrive next.

"Batman! I'm picking up a bomb underneath the docks!" she said.

"Robin! Stop!" Batman said in time.

Just in time too for three had to think of something and fast.

"Now what?" ask Vulture.

"They know." said Shark.

"Plan 'b' then." Fox detonates a bomb throwing Robin into the water.


Batman must stay behind to rescue his partner, while the Trio's boat speeds away. Megan tries shooting the boat down, but they were too fast to be stopped to make their get away from the three heroes.

"Great, they got away!" said Megan as she then checks on the boys. "How is he, Bruce?"

"He'll be fine. Nothing too serious but a broken arm." Batman said.

Robin is saved, though he's suffered a broken arm. He reads a newspaper story on the thieves, whom the media has dubbed 'The Terrible Trio'. Megan sees the rest from her computer book as well to know a little about the crooks.

"From air - the vulture, from waters - the shark, and on land - the fox. Known as The Terrible Trio. More like terrible names to leave money to people after stealing from them."

"The Terrible Trio strikes again." Dick checks it out from the newspaper. "How 'bout those masks? They look like refugees from Mardi Gras."

No kidding! Even Bruce sees this for himself to know on what Megan was saying.

"Megan, you're right about one from these guys. Predators of land, sea, and air."

"Maybe they're experts in those areas."

"Maybe they're a couple of losers with no fun in life."

With Dick and Megan were both taking guesses on those parts, Bruce knows about one thing from the three...

"The only thing these guys are experts in is arrogance." Bruce said.

A few days later, Bruce Wayne is hosting a charity event at a local country club and for Megan to be his bodyguard on watch. As the guests arrive, he practices skeet shooting on the green in the company of three wealthy young men who wear their elitism on their sleeves, particularly Warren Lawford.

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