Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #53 - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Movie

'Just so you all know, I made a bit of changes here. But it's still a good movie, am I, right? Please enjoy.' On a night at Gotham City to check on things for the two heroes/partners/lovers of Bruce Wayne who's Batman. Or the Dark Knight...Along with Megan Tsuki/Evans - a bounty hunter of Gotham with beauty, brain, skills, gadgets, and powers to be unknown to learn about her past to be a long journey for her; also, for Bruce to be as Batman and has fall for Megan and as she falls in love with him right back to hopefully get somewhere. Just sitting around the church to wait for Batman's orders to move out to be thinking about something else, on other things. For something will change their lives for the next few days or so...

"(Geeze...some set up I have to do for Bruce and me to investigate tonight of a couple of gangsters you know? Well, it's always like this for a while now since I've been with him as Batman...)"

Megan uses the dressing room to get dress in her own disguise, she narrates on everything in this film.

Megan: Hi! My name is Megan Tsuki/Evans. I'm one of the best Bounty Hunters in Gotham City to earn some money to stop bad guys on the streets, who was also trained by Catherine herself, wherever she is now, I hope I'll find her soon. I have ESP powers to get it somewhere from some group who studied on me to become powerful while also learning more about my past to still be a long way to go to finding some of it so far; I make my own weapons, hack into things, fight well, and work for Bruce Wayne who's a millionaire to owe a lot. But between you and me, he's Batman. The Dark Knight who I work for who took me as his partner...As Bruce Wayne, I'm his bodyguard for hire to get paid for, but as Batman to be his sidekick...he kind of has a thing for me. I'm starting to like him back, but with all of the other girls to be two different people of good or bad, it's hard to know if he likes me for real. For others to think I'm dating with Batman...Does he really love me? Do I love him? I'm so confused right now! But either way, we have a gangster group to stop as soon as possible for him to come in as I hack my way inside, disguising myself as a maid...perfect! I hate perverts like Bullock! I hope Bruce as Batman will save me, I just know it...I mean I have the right to understand these feelings back, right? Either way, I'll see him inside because I'm going in.

Megan was dress up as a maid to go right in to sing something on her way to sneaking into the place...from the 'Mad Monster Party' movie from 'Rankin Bass Company', is the song, 'Never Was a Love Like Mine'.

Megan 'singing': There never was a love like mine for you

Never was a love like mine

All the other girls you may have met

Never gave you love you're gonna get

There never was a torch that burned so blue

Never was a love like mine for you

There never was a love like mine for you

Never was a love like mine

All the love you may have read about

Honey you can just forget about

There never was a screen romance for two

Never was a love like mine for you

Tell me a thousand times each day

You've never been loved this way

Swear to me you'll never roam dear

Promise me you'll stay at home dear

There never was a love like mine for you

Never was a love like mine

Batman: The Animated Series - A Bounty Hunter's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now