Second Chance

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #78 – Second Chance

Batman, Megan, and Robin watch as an ambulance carrying Two-Face takes him to the hospital.

"It would seem like Harvey Dent might come back once the people fix up his scar right off his face to get rid of Big Bad Harv for good, who's Two-Face." Megan tells the two boys. "With any luck, that'll be less villains to deal with, you know? That's why we came here today."

Robin asks if the operation will make Harvey better again, but Batman is unsure.

"Hope you're right, Megan." said Robin. "I mean it has to work. Making Harvey okay again?"

"I don't know...We can only hope."

For Batman to say it, for Megan remembers what happen to Harvey Dent to becoming Two-Face. Remember? From Rupert Throne and his men black mailing him to give chase and then the blast from the electrical wires got into the chemicals to make Harvey to have Big Bad Harv cause trouble...? Yeah, it's sad just thinking about it all over again.

"Who can forget about that day. If Rupert didn't try black mailing Dent to make his bad side come out for us, Bruce, to stopping it all...That one person open fired to go hit the electrical wires to fall into the chemicals to hit Dent's left side and then, boom! Has a scar to becoming a twisted villain between justice and murder. It was also where he hit my head started to remember things for me."

For Bruce/Batman who was down to only hope everything to work out for his friend to see the rest, Megan feels bad for her boyfriend to be like this, as Dick/Robin was told about the event a while back to understand his partner's feelings too.

"I hope Bruce will be all right like Harvey will after tonight."

"Me too, Dick. Me too..." said Megan.

Inside the hospital, the doctors tell Harvey that his bad side has been mostly submerged and they believe that if they remove the scars which created Two-Face, the persona will be gone forever. Harvey then asks if Bruce Wayne paid for it and thinks back on their friendship.

"Bruce Wayne picked up the tab for this?"

With Harvey asking Dr. Crest that question for he was taken care of.

"Yes." she answers.

As Batman was watching through the skylight window.

"Good old Bruce. He's never given up on me. Always been my best friend. I remember when we used to close the town at the Half Moon Club. The most fun we ever had. Heard they were tearing the old place down. I guess nothing good lasts forever." Harvey is put to sleep and the doctors prepare for the surgery.

However, before they can start, thugs suddenly burst in and start firing machine guns into the room.

"What in the heck?!" shock Megan. "Who are those people?!"

Batman had trouble using his grappling hook in order to break the glass to get inside, so they had to go around the building.

"Come on!"

They take Harvey, with one of them stating that their boss wants to 'teach him some respect'. Batman, Megan, and Robin try stopping the thugs, but they fail to keep them from escaping the room. From a falling light to come down on the two boys, Megan couldn't fight all of the thugs in her way or leave innocent people to get hurt or killed.

"Man, talk about Mel practice." said Robin and then goes to back up with Batman. "You good, Megan?"

"I stopped some of the guys, but I had to save the people. Sorry...But I couldn't get to Dent out of there." she gets ready to follow the thugs next. "Everyone, just stay down until the police arrives! We three have got this to get Dent back!"

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