His Silicon Soul

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #58 - His Silicon Soul

Late one night, a group of criminals break into a warehouse owned by Cybertron where all the surviving items in the factory are kept. They hope to find some high technology they can sell. They come upon a large crate. Obviously not recognizing the H.A.R.D.A.C. icon, they open it. From inside, Batman emerges. The criminals attack Batman with crowbars but he's more than a match for them. For Batman dodges the thugs' blows and catches one of the thief crowbars in mid swing.


During the battle, however, one of them pulls out a gun and shoots Batman, exposing circuitry. They are shocked to find that Batman isn't human. Another H.A.R.D.A.C. robot? Not good...! Although injured, the fake Batman makes it to Wayne Manor and explores the estate. Alfred catches him and is fooled for a moment.

"Master Bruce, are you all right? Where's Ms. Megan?"

However, when he sees the circuitry he realizes that what he's seeing is one of Karl Rossum's duplicants.

"Alfred, what's wrong with me?" ask the Duplicant.

Though the robot recognizes him and appears to be docile, Alfred is frightened. With Gidget seeing another one of its kind, it panics to alert the real Batman and Megan of the trouble to be happening. Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon has his officers pull the crooks down from a light pole. The real Batman arrives to find that he is the one that had captured these men without Megan to be with him.

"Busy night?" Batman asks Gordon.

He gasps to not see the two coming up from behind.

"Easy, Gordon, it just us." she said. "Keep doing that and you might give yourself a heart attack. It's not good for you."

"Sorry..." he calms down. "I was more too busy cutting down your boyfriend's piñata work. Next time, hang them a little lower if it isn't too much trouble."

But Batman confused since it wasn't really him.

"Ah, weird...Hey, Batman, did you do this? You would've told me or for me telling you." said Megan. "So weird..."

"I know, Megan, it wasn't your doing either."

From Gordon giving Batman back his Batarang.

"Yours I believe?"

"I believe so." said Batman.

With one guy freaking out from seeing Batman again, for this was the real one and not the robot. Batman finds a microchip on one of the criminals and decides to investigate the mysterious occurrence.

"Wait..." Megan looks at it. "Batman, this is a microchip."

"Jim, I didn't catch these men." Batman tells Gordon about it.

Megan had an alibi too.

"He was with me just hanging out until I got a report of three men breaking into a factory."

"Well, if you didn't do it, Batman, then who did?" question Gordon.

Well, the two knew where they needed to go right away to find some answers for Megan remembers the rest of the danger...

"Microchips, another Batman, a factory holding up the..." she figures it out. "Oh, no...! Batman...I think there's another Harv robot is on the loose! (I don't want to meet up with those things again are what Harv try to do to me...the demon seed program.)"

Back at Wayne Manor, the Duplicant pleads with Alfred for help. Alfred, believing the worst about this imposter, exclaims that's he's a Duplicant then retreats into the Batcave. The Duplicant is confused as to what Alfred means and chases him. Alfred makes it to the bat computer and releases a knockout gas. Unaffected, the Duplicant Batman catches up to Alfred and removes his air filter mask, causing him to succumb to the gas. Gidget knew Harv was back, or one of his programming to cause trouble to make a backup one being Bruce Wayne/Batman himself, as it quietly listens in to everything. He searches for information about the duplicants. After not receiving a definite answer regarding a Bruce Wayne or Batman Duplicant, he requests a list of known duplicants: all of which have been destroyed. From Randa, Gordon, Bullock, Mayor Hill, and Karl himself. Remember? From his wife to give birth from Randa's daughter who've died to look older, and she was killed from a weak heart of the demon seed program, having Megan Tsuki to still be a test subject of the program. As this type of Duplicant had feeling for her 'to be like Bruce Wayne/Batman'. He then requests the location of Karl Rossum, as Gidget had to follow its' kind alone. The real Batman and Megan arrived at Rossum's current residence - a farm outside of Gotham City.

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