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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #76 – Showdown

Just so you guys know, this will be a short one for Megan to be narrating this one for the fun of it, okay? Yeah...Enjoy! Agents of the Society of Shadows infiltrate a retirement home and kidnap one of the elderly residents. For them and Ra's were doing something to be find someone to capture, for so many guns to bring was a bit too much.

"Put those away please." Ra's said. "No one's awake to bother us."

"But we are."

You said it, Dark Knight! They are interrupted by Batman, Megan, and Robin. Tying up some bad guys for Megan goes after the enemy being her father, but not to her!

"I thought we find you here, Ra's. Now don't move!" she said with her gun out. "Batman! Robin! Cover me!"

The three fought with Ra's men to him to get someone within one room...For Megan uses her baton, Batman to fighting, as he and Robin ties the rest of them up 'as well as Robin punch one under the belt', they try to stop Ra's next. But soon enough. Ra's manage to escape with their captive.

"What did he want?" Robin was upset.

Yeah! What did Ra's want in a retirement home?

"I'm not sure." answer Batman.

Robin looked at Megan to see if she knew about it, but she had nothing.

"Don't look at me. I learned about Ra's to try to stop him. I thought one of you guys knew. Guess not..."

Investigating the captive's room, Batman finds a tape on a chair.

"But it appears he left us a present."

They return to the Batmobile and determine where the kidnappers are heading.

"Good thing I left a bug on Ra's cape." said Megan. "We'll track him down with the kidnapped old man in no time."

"And hopefully soon from the aircraft he's in."

With Batman finding the area for Ra's wanted to find them, Robin sets up the tape.

"Let's check this out." Robin puts it in. "Megan, care to do the honors?"

"I'm on it. (This should be good to learn more about Ra's past. This I gotta hear.)" she said. "Roll it!"

They play the tape for Megan to step up from her computer book and into the Batmobile to hack into for better sounding, and they hear Ra's al Ghul telling them a story for Megan to say the rest in her words too in a flash back...

Megan: In the year 1883, when a Transcontinental Railroad is about to be completed, elderly bounty hunter Jonah Hex visits the nearby town of Devil's Hole. Making the acquaintance of a local barmaid, he tells her he is hunting for a fugitive outlaw, Arkady Duvall.

"You a bounty hunter?" ask the Barmaid.

"Just to pay for my piano lessons." he said back.

Megan: She recognizes him immediately and says he has been driven out of town after beating up some of the local women. One sheriff knows a lot about Hex himself...

"Well, well. Jonah Hex, his own bad self. Been here five minutes and you ain't killed nobody nor set nothin' on fire. Slippin', ain't you?"

Been called by different names before to not let it hurt Hex to keep him from doing his job.

"I'm still a little bushed." said Hex.

"Fact is, you look a little past it, Hex." he said. "Not tired, just all used up."

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