Read My Lips

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #61 – Read my Lips

After a boxing match, the take is transported through the halls but instantly robbed by a trio of muggers. The bandits make a clean getaway by climbing an air vent then jumping into a getaway truck just as the police arrive. They then go to their boss, Scarface, who claims they'll own the town soon. The gang goes on a crime spree leaving the police baffled. Megan started to read the newspapers from her computer book to get nothing from the search, this was new...she had to tell Bruce about it right away.

"Boxing stadium was robbed by three unknown robbers to slip through the police? Banks, art museums, and jewelry stores as well? Who's behind these strange heists lately...?" she was reading the article to call up Bruce/Batman from her belt. "(Now this I would like to solve.) Bruce, it's me. You heard the news lately? It's big I know, let's see what Gordon has to say about all of this. I'll meet you there."

Later, both Batman and Megan go to talk to Commissioner Gordon, about the crazy crime spree. For him to come out of the shadows but Megan.

"Have petty on an old man's heart." he said. "Megan, so you both heard about the heist?"

"More than you know. And Batman, why can you use a door like everyone else?"

She has a good point there, maybe Batman should sometimes...

"What is it, Jim?" Batman asks Gordon.

Gordon is concerned because the boss is too smart, and all his plans easily evaded the police. No kidding!

"We're trying to stop these gang members to put up a good heist, must be their boss to be the master mind behind it all." Gordon said.

"What do you have for us?"

I hope so for Batman and Megan needed to know who or what they were dealing with here.

"Not much, we don't know who the boss is or the gang members." All he has is a video tape of the gang's last escape. "But we do have this latest video of the group escaping from their last heist caught on tape. You two interested?"

"Good to know."


Both Megan and Batman said to see what they can do for Gordon to have some clue for them to use.

"Let me know if any of you two need any help-!" he sees Batman gone for Megan to take off next.

"We're on it, Gordon."

Back at the Batcave, with Megan recording it from her computer book to hack into the VCR, both she, Batman, and Alfred watch as the video shows the men escaping as they leave a crime scene with masks and gloves so they cannot be identified.

"That's it, huh? Just three guys stealing stuff while wearing masks on their faces." said Megan. "One. Two. Three. I wish we could tell who they were though."

"Not a good plot here, huh sir?" Alfred said to Bruce.

"Well, I got nothing..."

For Megan to try to see these guys were smart to have masks, gloves, and such for the video in slow motion didn't show any mistakes from it. Even for Batman was hard.

"They're clever. Masks, gloves, no way to identify any of the three." the Dark Knight said.

However, one of them tears his shirt revealing a tattoo, for Megan to pick that part up right away.

"Not really, look. I've found something! Stop there." Megan said for Batman to see this as well. "Now zoom in on the tattoo part from the shirt where it was ripped off from the arm there, closer...closer...and... stop!" she records it. "A tattoo of a rhinoceros."

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