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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #65 – Trial

At her latest trial, Pamela Isley is sentenced to be returned to Arkham Asylum yet again. Gotham City's newest District Attorney, Janet Van Dorn, presses for life imprisonment, but the court's hands are tied by the fact that Poison Ivy was apprehended by Batman instead of a regular police officer. Besides Megan stopping her too, she helps the cops like she does with her boyfriend Batman even more. When Ivy is returned to Arkham, Harley Quinn greets her enthusiastically, confiding that the inmates will be throwing a party soon, courtesy of the Mad Hatter, who has planted his mind control chips on the guards. Janet's quoted on television as saying that Batman's a disgrace, claiming that he's the one who essentially created all of Gotham City's 'super-criminals'. She feels like Batman has made the city dependent on his myth, instead of facing the reality of what needs to be done to suppress crime.

"Megan Tsuki is one thing to bring some criminals to justice because she has the rights from the police in doing so as a bounty hunter, I feel sorry for her to be dating with someone like the Dark Knight." said Janet on the TV news. "Not only does Batman create these so called 'super criminals', but he also takes it upon himself to be their judge and jury with no regards to the legal system."

Picky type of attorney person, aren't you? You were in it the last time to see Gordon was framed though, now this was big since Harvey Dent was an attorney no more.

"It sounds like you want to put Batman on trial...?" ask on of the reporters.

"Believe me, I'd like nothing better."

For Gordon tells Janet that Batman was their city's hero to help the police and attorneys out, but she disagrees even after Batman catches another bad guy to put behind bars to still dislike him for Megan stands up for her man.

"Janet, shut up!!!" she said in anger. "Look. I can take Bullock to be jealous, but you're far worse than him. We're trying our best to help."

"The famous bounty hunter of Gotham, Megan Tsuki. At last, we meet." said Janet.

"The last I heard about your work is when you found out of Gordon was set up by Gil and Two-Face to put him behind bars on a crime he didn't do." said Megan. "And now you're saying you'll prove Batman guilty next." Batman places his hand on Megan's shoulders to kiss her hand next.

"Take it easy, Megan."

"But Batman..." she does stop to try standing up for her man.

"I didn't mind, Megan, it is unfair sometimes for anyone, believe me." said Gordon. "Janet's the best of the best since Harvey sadly went rouge, but we need lawyers like her."

True, without them in the court of law I guess everyone will be screwed, I think.

"You better listen to Commission occasionally. I am right though." she said to say something to Batman next. "As for you, Batman. You want to support law and order? You take off that mask and put on a uniform."

Batman takes off to also ignore what Janet's harsh words.

"I'll see you around, Megan, try not to fight with an attorney." he said to act silly to his woman again.

"I won't..."

From there as Megan goes to meet up with Bruce this time 'as his bodyguard', Janet holds on to Batman's Batarang he left behind from the bad guy he just stopped. That night, Janet and Bruce Wayne have a dinner date, but she's called away by a phone call. For her passes by Megan to keep an eye on Bruce. Or acts like it.

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