Almost Got 'Im

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #40 - Almost Got 'Im

A fun episode in this one, you know? While hiding out from the police, the Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, and Killer Croc gathered at the criminals-only bar the Stacked Deck to play cards and swap stories and share theories about their mutual nemesis.

"I want a nice clean game, gentlemen." Joker tells the two boys.

"That'll be a first." Penguin gets his deck of cards. "So, I hear 'you-know-who' nailed the Mad Hatter last week."

To soon be talking about the events of the other villains from a few days ago.

"No kidding. He sure gets around for one guy."

"Yeah, well that's where you're wrong." Two-Face corrects Joker. "I don't think it is one guy."

"Hun?" Killer Croc was lost.

Two-Face doubts that Batman is one person.

"The way I figure it, Gordon's got a bunch of them stashed someplace like a SWAT team. He wants you to think it's one guy but..."

Joker on the other hand...

"Eh...You're always seeing double."

The Penguin theorizes that Batman suffered some crime related trauma in the past, which is true.

"It's obvious our caped friend suffered some crime related drama when he was younger. Perhaps an over-anxious mother blew off a piece of his face."

"Sure! He could be all gross and disgusting under that mask!" Joker tells Two-Face. "Uh, no offense, Harv."

"Just deal."

Killer Croc believes that Batman is a robot, much to the skepticism of the other villains.

"Well, you know what I think?"

"Not the robot theory again." Joker stops Croc.

"Well, he could be." he said.

Poison Ivy then arrives, orders an herbal tea, and then joins the game as she finds Batman a plant murderer to her point of view. To also be seeing Two-Face again.

"Poison Ivy."

"It's been a long time, Harvey. You're still looking half-way decent." she said.

Those two seems to be hating each other still, from the looks of it.

"Half of me wants to strangle ya." said Two-Face.

"And what does the other half want?"

You had to ask him that, Ivy...?

"To hit you with a truck."

Ha! For Ivy tells the other three boys about her and Two-Face knowing each other once to be enemies and bitter rivals today.

"We used to date."

Joker & Penguin both catch her drift.

"Ahh." Penguin and Joker said together.

Lots of these five bad guys have a lot to be going on.

"So, what bring such a dainty dove to this dismal den?" Penguin asks Ivy.

"Running from the law, and the Batman too, or course." she said. "And his girlfriend Megan."

As if that'll never changes at all.

"Of course." said Penguin.

"Likewise." Joker said too.

"You got it." Two-Face as well.

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