Dreams in Darkness

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #24 – Dreams in Darkness

Tayla: 'This is one of my favorite episodes by the way. :D But in this one, it's a bit different. With many reasons on why it is, you'll see, and I hope you will all like it.'

In a cell at Arkham Asylum, Batman is strapped in a straitjacket. He's now the latest addition to the Arkham line of maniacs, and none of the staff will listen to a word he says, due to his apparent insanity. Saying something about Megan Tsuki who has gone missing, for others were thinking he might of murder her during their line of work, for doctor to be saying so. But was that true? What happened to her? With no other choice, Batman starts to worry about her. As we hear Megan's voice to be recount on how they ended up in such a situation...

Megan: There's always time to heal. So, the doctor said to him. If only I knew, if only Bruce and I weren't separated while working. I never knew this day would ever come to this due of all days but one of the worse years ever to happen to me the most. But of course, for Bruce/Batman to be in that type of mess, Doctor Carl Beaumont was wrong. There was no time left. Not for him and not for me where I was at to see my partner was in danger...Well, not for him, the doctor, or anyone else in Gotham City. And if Bruce is remained trapped in Gotham and me in... God knows where-! Then there was nothing either of us could do except to wait for the end and remember from the beginning. It happened a few days ago that Bruce and I knew about something was going on at the Health Spring Spa; I guess, or rather Bruce had guessed before me was a robbery to be going on, but that night...we both guessed wrong even for me to be in a mess. I was upset at the worse time while we were taking care of business.

Megan was right, this happened about a few days ago because both her and Bruce/Batman have learned of a plan to poison a spa near Gotham. So, they both went to check it out.

"This must be it."

"Something's going down near the pumping station out back of this place." said Megan to look it up from her computer book. "It's not good."

Batman sees Megan who wasn't feeling like herself right now.

"Is there something on your mind?" he asks her.

But she tries hiding it like part of Megan is trying to remember something, somehow, she had trouble to remember anything at all.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." Megan acts like she is fine. "I'm just having some rough nights, but I manage on my own. Now let's go. We go some work to be done."

As they sneak in, they heard that person was talking to his boss to try ruining the pipes to get into the spa waters with a torch, but for what?

Megan: Both Bruce and I thought at first from this person was going to mess with the spa's drinking waters. And of course, we try to make him think again.

With Batman using his Batarang to stop the machine and Megan using her yo-yos to remove the gun out of the man's hands, he was cornered now.

"Bummer." said the crock.

Somehow, the boss sees from the camera to know Batman was coming to stop the plans, as well as seeing Megan with him the most? Huh...? Torchy was the man's name to fight with Megan and Batman by using his drill tool against them for Megan using some glue to make a shield and Batman dodging; with them fighting only for him to hold Batman down and Megan pulling him away from her partner to get steamed. Ouch! Then with him out, Megan tried shutting down the machine, but she couldn't.

"What?! I'm blocked from hacking in?!" she couldn't do anything. "Batman! We need to stop this thing, time's running out!"

Trying to pull the pipes out for Batman, Torchy tries drilling them only to drill into the spa's pipes, both are doused with the poisonous gas the man was going to pour into the system.

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