A Bullet for Bullock

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #64 - A Bullet for Bullock

Bullock walks home in the night and is almost run over by a car. He fires at the driver but misses. Megan was on patrol to hear the commotions to be going on, she rushes to the scene to see what went down. For a car to be taking off with the person trying to kill Bullock.

"Freeze-!" but she was too late. "Seriously...?" Megan tries helping out Bullock next. "(Gunshots? Does this mean what I think it does...?) Hey, Bullock, are you hurt?"

"Ouch...! Megan?" he was happy to see her and tries hugging Megan. "Hey, baby-!"

Megan pushes Bullock away in time.

"Stop! Now's not the time. I heard gunshots, someone was shooting in the streets, and... look at you! Is almost like you saw a ghost."

"To tell you the truth, someone did try to kill me. I get beaten a lot by my old enemies, but this beats the cake." he said. "Megan, even though I finds the hots for you, but I need your help. Please!"

Sounds serious for Megan had to help a friend like Bullock, as a friend 'and not her boyfriend' because she's taken already! Still, she couldn't do this alone.

"Figures...Fine, I'm doing this because you have no right to die, and I want another bounty payment too. Along with my friend tagging along." Megan work things out with Bullock. "Take it or leave it."

"Are you serious-?!" he sees Megan looking at Bullock in an angry way. "Okay, fine! Give him a buzz and I'll do the talking."

So, Megan does so right away use her belt to talk to Bruce Wayne/Batman privately to tell her boyfriend the danger to be going on with Bullock, and for them to be fighting over her and hating each other...I hope things don't get bad or worse.

"(Thank you.) Bruce, hey. It's me. You might want to hear about this problem."

Later that night, the Bat-signal is lit up and Batman arrives for Megan to see her waiting for him.

"Megan. Does the Commissioner know?" he asked.

"No, not really..."

However, instead of Commissioner Gordon, Megan points out that Bullock is the one who turned it on.

"Nope, me." Bullock shows himself. "I told Megan to help me, she agrees to have you tag along, and I call you up here. Any who, I got a problem."

"And you want my help?" Batman asks the detective.

Before Bullock says something about his mess, he tells Batman of a little warning...

"Let's get something straight. I think you're a freak and a menace and those are your good points. But the Commish says you serve a purpose, so I go along. I'm only letting you help me out because of Megan here, she loves you. And you better love her back if you know what's good for you."

"Ah...What a thoughtful thing to say, I guess." Megan was lost to be confused like Batman was.

And Batman gets it.

"I appreciate your honesty. So, what's the problem?"

Bullock then explains that someone has been trying to kill him and he's at a loss as to who it is.

"Someone's out to get me. Try to run me over like a pancake on a payment last night. Not the first time, last week too." he said.

Now this was something new for both Batman and Megan didn't know more about Bullock's problems.

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