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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #19 – Vendetta

On a rainy day, a police boat escorts a very nervous convict, Spider Conway, to Gotham Harbor. But he looked scared for the police to protect him during transportation. I wonder why...? Even Megan had to ask Gordon about it.

"So, who are we helping out here?" she asks him.

"Spider Conway." said Gordon. "I don't know why he's so worried about anything. He has the sweetest deal out of anything. All he needs to do is to testify for us at the police hearing, and in return..."

Megan gets it now to say the rest for him.

"Gets an early parole out of that man's ten years..." seems like she already did her homework on her computer book. "Testifying against Rupert Throne for us? I would love to watch it all go down."

Detective Bullock explains Conway's nervous about someone getting to him before he reaches the hearings. Seems like he knows all about it since he stopped Spider a while back.

"It's not that he's nervous about getting free, Commish, it's who's coming for him that he's afraid of. Thinks someone's hunting him down like an animal."

"You sure know a lot about this man, Bullock. Oh, right. You had his hinny the moment you arrested the man. I've almost forgot."

Megan was acting silly to Bullock, but what she says there was all true. As he tries pulling a flower to give to her since she was wearing a cool type of raincoat.

"Hey, Megan..."

"(Not again...!) What is it?" she asks away.

Bullock was trying to make his move on Megan again, like that'll ever happen. They're partners, but that's all. She does respect his work when he's not a total jerk to Batman.

"I got this for you." he said. "Look, I can do so much better than Batman can! Why don't you even like-like me?" Megan slaps Bullock's hand to remove the flower.

"Ah...I don't know. Maybe if you weren't such a complete jerk to Batman a lot or eating crap! We got work to do, all right?"

It turns out that Conway's fears are well founded as a strange figure attaches a bomb to the boat and kidnaps him in the ensuing chaos. Megan, Bullock, and the other officers hear it from afar to see it happened a bit too late, she calls up Bruce/Batman for backup quietly.

"What happened?!" Bullock was shocked and sees Megan in the corner of the harbor bay. "Megan? What are you doing?"

Gordon already knows what she was doing to leave her be for a minute.

"Remind me never to think of you as a good luck charm!" Gordon said to Bullock.

"(Having a boat blown up from some handmade bomb, not good.)" she contacts Bruce. "Yo, Bruce. I hope you saw that just now."

That he did on his end on the other side of the harbor.

"I saw it all right. I'll go investigate the area, Megan." he said. "See what you can do and report back."

"Roger. (Time to play lifeguard to the brave men.)"

Megan joins back with Gordon, Bullock, and Montoya ad she uses a capsule to make a floating boat to save the other cops in time back on shore. The officers are rescued but Conway is lost. Was he dead...? Hmm...It didn't seem or feel like it to me or to Megan either.

"I want the north, east, and west sides of the water sides block off!" Gordon said to his other fellow officers. "On the streets too, just in case."

As they took off on foot, Bullock also hears the news from Megan.

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