Fear of Victory

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #20 – Fear of Victory

In a dormitory at Gotham University, Dick Grayson and his roommate, Brian Rogers, watch a sports newscast on a university football game from the day before. The report ends praising Brian's performance and his high likelihood of being drafted by a professional team. Brian is a little nervous about an upcoming game in which he will be monitored carefully, but Dick is sure he'll do fine. Returning their attention to the TV, they are both taken aback by a report on a series of bizarre sports bloopers: several athletes – many of them odds-on favorites – suddenly have panic attacks in the middle of their games, causing them to lose. From boxing, hockey, and tennis.

"Heavily favored middle-weight champion, Rudy Lovell set two new records: one for the shortest fight in history, the other for the 50-yard dash. Goalie Rick Gale came up with another way to protect his goal; rather unorthodox, wouldn't you say, Rick? But effective. And here's top seed, Chris Adams making it seem like she's in the wrong racket."

Just then, there is a knock on the door and Brian answers it to a courier with a telegram. Brian is confused by the message and Dick has a look at what it says. It wishes Brian luck but reminds him that 'only a fool knows no fear' and they both agree this telegram is 'weird'. On the day of the match, the situation was shockingly unexpected. Gotham University is down 24 to 3, with Brian looking sloppy and unfocused. When the ball is snapped and Brian is charged by the opposing players, he sees them as horrific monsters, and drops the ball, curling up in terror. The game is stopped so the medical team can see to him. Dick jumps down from the stands and runs to his friend, hearing him mumbling incoherently. The doctors take Brian to the infirmary, leaving behind a confused and concerned Dick. Also, Megan seems to be getting something from this whole thing, from a fellow type of buddy playing basketball, it happened to her the same thing as Dick's friend. Knowing this for those two weren't the only ones here.

"Hmm..." she reads a newspaper article to put into her computer book. "(Strange, famous people in random sport games...losing their edges? A big game of theirs for them to lose their cool to see something out of nowhere to be afraid of. Nervous? Scared of losing? Something to happen in the last few days? Who's to say? But to those who have placed their bets on them, have been losing their money because of it. For their coaches and doctors are unable to find any answers...?) Okay, backup time!" Megan calls up for Batman. "Hey, Bruce."

He answers Megan's call from her belt.

"I'm here, Megan, so you've heard about the panic attacks during the sport games?"

"You know it." she said. "I think we'll talk more during our night patrol tonight for us to learn more about this type of issue."

"You and me both, along with my other partner Robin."

Oh, yeah, this will be Megan's first-time meeting with Bruce Wayne/Batman's partner Dick Grayson/Robin 'a cooler version of him'.

"Robin, huh? First time I'll be seeing the tough student of Gotham Universality Dick Grayson to help us out. Should be fun. I take it his friends in the same spot as the others?"

"You could say that." said Bruce. "I'll be there with him soon."

"Roger, roger!"

Later that day, on night patrol, Robin asks Batman his take on his classmate's strange behavior. Batman believes it's just stress, but then they and Megan in her car all notice two robbers on the top of a building, attempting to get away with smuggled jewelry.

"Time to punch in." Batman sees them up top. "Megan."

"I'm here."

"Megan?" Robin was lost. "You mean this is her? Your lady partner you've been telling me about?"

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