Prophecy of Doom

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #16 - Prophecy of Doom

A ritzy casino boat courses out in the middle of the sea while people gamble their money and dance their night away. However, unbeknownst to them, a bomb is in the boiler room, and it goes off. The ship instantly sinks, and the people flood into the lifeboats leaving the doomed ship to disappear beneath the waves. Megan hears all about this from a radio playing the news while swimming at the Gotham Gym having a pool, she stops to hear the rest about it as she finishes up her laps around the pool. For Megan was a good swimmer.

"(What the-?)" Megan hears the rest to turn the volume up. "A bomb going off out of nowhere from a casino type of ship? People escaped alive and others were hurt but not serious at the hospital after they've all gotten rescued, leaving the boat destroyed with all its money left behind...? As if it disappeared out of nowhere in the bottom of the sea. (And because of it, I need Bruce on this one. Another investigation must be solved right away!)"

You can say that again, Megan. Later, in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne 'with Megan tagging along act like Bruce's bodyguard' talks with a friend, Ethan Clark, who tells them about a fortune-teller, Nostromos, who warned him not to go out to sea on the gambling cruise.

"Besides me being an all-bank businessman in my company, Bruce, is like faith saved my life. I'm telling you and your bodyguard if she's interested that this man is amazing. Nostromos." Ethan shows them a plantlet of the man. "You two should look up on this person."

"Dad." Lisa says so otherwise on her end. "You're not going to get Bruce and/or Megan into that, are you?"

Seems that Ethan's daughter, Lisa Clark, is skeptical, claiming it's a coincidence.

"Now you hush, Lisa." he said to his daughter.

Megan and Bruce look at the plantlet with a man name Nostromos being famous to predict anything in time to save the lives. Or so it says.

"Nostromos." Bruce reads it. "Yes, I've read about him in the Star Enquirer. Uh...Alfred likes to pick up a copy now and then."

Megan explains it better to them both.

"He likes to learn about modern day people and the yester year ones."

But Ethan points out other predictions that came true.

"That man saved my life."

"How so?" Megan asks Ethan.

"He told me not to go on the boat for it would sink, and then two days later it did." he answers.

Lisa thinks of other things about it...

"Things happen out of the blue, all the time."

"But the fire bursting, the cave in thing and such, that man saved me a fortune." Megan agrees with Lisa on this one.

"(I have to agree with her on it.)" she said to herself. "(I only know to see to believe.)"

Bruce knows on how Megan feels to go along with it for Ethan's sake.

"Could make a big stalk broker." he said.

As Ethan invites Bruce 'with Megan guarding him' to a party he is holding in Nostromos's honor.

"Tomorrow, I'm invited Nostromos as a guest to my party to show on how real his work goes. I want you two to be there to see for yourselves."

Megan had no other choice.

"I'll watch and go wherever Bruce goes, but I won't get into it though."

Ethan won't argue with her on that part.

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