Batman: The Animated Series (GB) - Megan's Double Trouble

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #44 - Batman: The Animated Series (GB) - Megan's Double Trouble

(From the video game, first from the cartoon 'base from the Gameboy version of it from 1993', for you can play as Batman and Robin 'a few at a time' to play in a few episodes to stop the villains in it. From Joker, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman 'although she's not much of a real super villain', Poison Ivy, Riddler, and Penguin. With some changes in between had a lot to do with Megan Tsuki for something comes around from her past to haunt her and to cause trouble all over Gotham. Not good...What will happen in my version from the video game itself? You just have to wait and see, so please enjoy it.)

From Gotham City to have a lovely sun set only for closing time to happen at the bank for everyone was done working for today, and the costumers have gotten their money to putting some away...Only for one more person to enter inside while wearing a raincoat, for it was a woman. Walking inside of the place quietly as a gentleman who worked there walks over to ask if the mysterious lady needed anything.

"Welcome to Gotham's finest bank, Miss. Can we help you with anything? Take some money out or putting some money into your account?"

She looks at the man for her voice sounded familiar when she spoke up.

"Well, I have one thing on my mind..." she shows her gun out to look like Megan. "I like to take all of your money, please."

"Ah!" the man ducks and covers. "It's a robbery!"

"A robbery?" shock the other co-workers.

Everyone else sees and hears too for gun shots go off all over the place for some to escape, and others to have their hands up in fear. Another Megan Tsuki who was robbing the bank like this to being a hero-like bounty hunter...? What was going on here?

"Alright, nobody move! I gave out warning shots! Don't make me fire more rounds again, so do as I say and open the vault. Don't do anything heroic, and you might all make out of this before closing time, understand? So, open up."

The woman opens it up for her and moves away slowly.

"Here you go. Please don't hurt me!"

The other Megan pushes the woman aside to make her way in to take everything in two bags to fit almost everything in and sees a security camera inside of it to look at it to say a few things on in 'for it was recording everything'.

"Hi, I'm on TV. Me! Peace out, coppers!" she fires her weapon at it.

Bang! Out goes the camera. What was going on here? Another Megan? Was that here? Well, the next day at the Wayne Manor for everyone was having a charity thing going on for 'once again' Bruce Wayne was raising money to help the children at the orphanage; for the people were invited to dance, eat, drink, and have some fun like they always do all the time when this goes down. Megan was just hanging around to see that everyone was there and for the girls to be flittering with Bruce so much to stay out of it, and her staying away from the other guys with a dance going on to not care at all but the past was still bothering her. From her strange powers, knowing from her dream from the fear to seeing things being real from which it did happened back then, her parents were killed, who the bad people were on what they did to her, who the mysterious woman's name Catherine was, having the golden bracelet on her to still be left unknown, and so much to getting some help if this was feeling all right. For Megan, she didn't think Bruce as Batman and Dick as Robin would go so far for her...Well, they have been so far to keep on going until then. So much for Megan to do and to find some answers soon enough for Gidget to see her acting like this right now and she was all by herself to watch the dance floor.

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