Adventures of Batman and Robin (Sega CD) - Into the Danger Zone

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #68 - Adventures of Batman and Robin (Sega CD) – Into the Danger Zone

The Sega CD version, also developed by Clockwork Tortoise and published by Sega, consists of chase screens with the Batmobile and Bat plane. Between levels, the story advances through animated scenes that were created specifically for the game. The animated cut scenes were produced by Warner Bros. Animation (with animation by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, which also animated some of the episodes of the original cartoon). Kevin Conroy (Batman), Loren Lester (Robin), Robert Hastings (Commissioner James Gordon), Robert Costanzo (Harvey Bullock), Diane Pershing (Poison Ivy), John Glover (The Riddler), Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn), Mark Hamill (The Joker), John Vernon (Rupert Thorne), and Ron Perlman (Clayface) all reprises their roles from the animated series. Also featuring Megan Tsuki (Alyson Court) in it with one more bounty hunter aiding her name Ruby Heart (Jennifer Hale) 'someone who looks like this character from the Marvel vs. Capcom 2'. The animated segments (about seventeen minutes in total) in the video game for the Sega CD are sometimes referred to as 'The Lost Episode' of the series. Besides some editing done by me, enjoy it...

Stage #1 – Ruby Heart

Okay, well we know how half of this story goes along so far...It was night time in Gotham for the sun to go down, lately some bad guys were causing trouble for the cops, Batman, Robin, and Megan to put a stop to them, and such. Same old thing really. For Megan was on patrol again to see someone else taking down the other bad guys for her? Huh? With blonde hair, an eye patch, wearing black, and dress as a type of female pirate? Well, this made Megan pull over to lend her a hand to almost feel outnumbered.

"Huh? Hey. Hey!" Megan rushes out of the car to kick one of the criminals in the face. "Freak!"

With more coming at the girls and Megan getting some backup for the mysterious woman gets back us to use her long gun to shoot and sword to cut down the rest, out cold of course. Nice one!

"Thanks for the save, kid." she said.

"I'm an adult you know, and you're welcome." Megan said while fighting. "Are you new in town?"

The two girls talk to each other while fighting the crooks to try to get to them, but they couldn't.

"Sure am, I'm a bounty hunter Ruby Heart."

"So I am. Megan Tsuki's the name."

That name soon gets to Ruby's attention to know who trained Megan, since it happened to her too.

"Bounty hunter like me, huh? Tell me something, does your teacher go by the name of Catherine?" ask Ruby.

Now Megan wanted to know more about Ruby since she was a skillful bounty hunter just like her.

"(Catherine?) You know about the other bounty hunter who saved and trained me?" she asked. "I mean, what's up with that pirate's outfit? Is it Halloween already?"

"Not even close. Is what I go by using fighting movements, hacking, gun shooting, slingshot, and sword fighting to win. Caught a lot of bounties too like...these guys!" Ruby uses her sword to wipe the rest out of her with one swing of her sword. "Nice to meet you, Megan."

With the bad guys down for Ruby to turn in to have her reward, Megan needed to know more about the mysterious Ruby herself since she knew about Catherine to learn more was her only way to learn more about herself.

"Same here... (Maybe this Ruby girl can help me out.) Listen, Ruby, maybe you can help me since I just saved your behind."

"About yourself when our teacher saved you. Other than she saved me from the streets and coast me an eye, I can't help you. She hasn't contacted me lately while I'm trying to look for her myself." Ruby said. "You got some issues with Catherine too? I hear ya."

Batman: The Animated Series - A Bounty Hunter's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now